Crafting problems at level 36

Discussion in 'Questions about Getting Started in the Game' started by skywalkersky, May 29, 2020.

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  1. skywalkersky

    skywalkersky Forum Greenhorn

    Dear all, although I am new to the game reached level 36. But, previously I had missed useless rubbish quest, now I completed it. My inventory shows crafting primer manual. I have tried to compile 4 random 4 improved items, which were got from quest. they were around 14 to 15 level I think. but workbench is not allowing me. i have tried the following :

    1. took randomly different slot improved items, and tried to combine it. but read colour message is coming.... something wrong it was saying.
    2. secondly I have tried gems three and tried to combine them but they were flawed rubies. I think by combining them we will get splintered ruby.

    anyway , what I am doing wrong . just to make sure I have bought two more manuals basic crafting II and III , now I have three manuals in my inventory including crafting primer. In the quest items, I could able combine but in actual game items, I could not.. any idea with your help is really great.
  2. dkarl

    dkarl Forum Duke

    I may be misinterpreting your comments, but … in order to take advantage of the knowledge in those crafting primers, you need to double-click on them … the physical books will disappear, but their content will be added to your known recipes, which will allow you to craft those specific items going forward.
  3. skywalkersky

    skywalkersky Forum Greenhorn

    Thank you very much this helped to identify it. We need to press right-click on that item, not double click. just now did it and able to produce the high priority item. as you stated correctly it has disappeared from the inventory. Thanks a lot buddy really needful.
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