Announcement Release 236 Patchnotes

Discussion in 'Patchnotes and Maintenance' started by teddy.bear, Jun 24, 2020.

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  1. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Forum Ambassador

    rel236 banner.jpg

    Heroes of Dracania,

    It’s summer in the city! Release 236 will come with a new event, the Summer Festival, as well as bug fixes and minor improvements. So exchange your heavy torso with some light robes to not get all sweaty while preparing the festival.
    See you in Kingshill!​

    Changes / New
    • Events
      • Summer Solstice Festival has been added
    • Achievements
      • Sun Worshipper achievement has been added
      • Adept Helper achievement has been added
      • Token Collector achievement has been added
      • Artist of Bloodsged achievement has been added
      • Artist of Evasion achievement has been added
      • Treasure Hunter Jackpot achievement has been added
      • Fishing Expert achievement has been added
    • Title
      • Title: Sun Worshipper has been added
    • Currency
      • Solar Coins have been added to the currency bag
    • Mounts
      • Summer Solstice Horse has been added to the Horses category of the Collector’s Bag
    • Pets
      • Melon Pug has been added to the Domesticated category of the Collector’s Bag
    • Equipment
      • Kingshill Souvenir Shield has been added
      • Kingshill Souvenir Absorber has been added
      • Kingshill Souvenir Book has been added
      • Kingshill Souvenir Buckler has been added
      • Kingshill Souvenir Shield has been added
      • Kingshill Necklace has been added
      • Kingshill Souvenir Belt has been added
      • Dragon Emblem Ring has been added
      • Kingshill Emblem Ring has been added
      • Kingshill Souvenir Adornment has been added
    • Dungeon Access Window
      • The difficulty name is now also shown if only the “normal” difficulty is available
    • Costumes
      • An issue where the Icy Headless Horseman costume used the same icon as the Empowered Headless Horseman costume has been fixed
    • Wisdom Talents
      • An issue where the “lifetime thief” talent was only triggered once when several enemies were defeated at the same time has been fixed
    • Collector’s Bag
      • An issue that could cause stuttering of the animation in the preview of the collector’s bag has been fixed
    Player Suggestions
    • Global Shop
      • Honor Buffs
        • Buffs that raise the number of Badges of Honor you get after completing battles have been added to the General category of the Global Shop
    Honor Buffs
    The buffs can be found in the General category of the Global Shop:

    001.pngHonor Raise+50% Badges of Honor after completing battlesDuration: 30 minutes999 Andermant
    002.pngHonor Raise+100% Badges of Honor after completing battlesDuration: 30 minutes1998 Andermant
    003.pngHonor Raise+200% Badges of Honor after completing battlesDuration: 30 minutes3996 Andermant

    Summer Solstice Festival
    It’s summertime and nothing represents this season better than the Summer Solstice Festival in Helios.

    It is summertime in Dracania and everyone is working hard to prepare for the upcoming Summer Solstice Festival. But Phestos, the organizer of the festival and Sir Hardy need your help. Some Impulsive Satyrs, Rioting Cyclops, and Stomping Stone Golems are interfering with the preparations on Kalodoro, the place of the festival.​

    You have to help Sir Hardy to clean the area from these troublemakers.​

    The event itself is divided into two parts – the preparation and the festival. Sir Hardy and Phestos offer several quests during the preparation time. Complete them to earn Insignias of Helpfulness to fill your progress bar and earn Solar Coins – the main currency during the Summer Solstice Festival.​

    Important Items​

    005.pngInsignias of Helpfulness are the progress item of this event. Collect them by completing the quests offered by Phestos and Sir Hardy.
    006.pngSolar Coins are the main currency needed to buy items from the traders on Kalodoro during the festival.
    You earn them during the preparation time as progress bar rewards or as rewards from one of the mini-games during the actual festival.
    007.pngSummer Solstice Tokens are needed to open the special chests in Kalodoro during the festival that contain the Melon Pug and the Summer Solstice Horse.
    They can be found on different occasions during the festival preparation and the actual event – there are 26 tokens available during the event – can you get them all?
    008.png 009.png 010.png 011.pngThe colored powder is needed to complete the Stolen Colors quest, offered by Phestos.
    012.pngMini-game tickets are needed to enter the three minigame locations. You can get them from every trader on Kalodoro for Andermant or Coins.
    There is also a chance to get a mini-game ticket from the fishing game.
    013.pngFishing Rods are needed to use the Fishing Vats. You can get them from every trader on Kalodoro for Andermant or Coins. There is also a chance to get fishing rods as a reward from the three other minigames.


    a01.pngMelon Pug
    + 1.00 % Armor value
    6.00% more Health Points
    Transforms you into a real charmer
    a02.pngMelon Pug
    + 4.00 % Armor value
    9.00% more Health Points
    Transforms you into a real charmer
    a03.pngMelon Pug
    + 7.00 % Armor value
    12.00% more Health Points
    Transforms you into a real charmer
    a04.pngMelon Pug
    + 10.00 % Armor value
    15.00% more Health Points
    Transforms you into a real charmer
    a05.pngSummer Solstice Horse
    a06.pngKingshill Souvenir Absorber

    Unique Item
    (Off Hand, Shield)
    Base Values (PvE) / Active Values (PvP)

    + 920-1240 Armor Value
    + 460-620 All Resistance Values
    + 1380-1860 Block Rate
    + 1 Block Strength

    + 83-111 % Improved Block Rate on this item
    + 0.46-1 Block Strength

    Unique Values
    Summer Sourvenir - Kingshill (0/3)
    Kingshill Souvenir Absorber
    Kingshill Souvenir Adornment
    Kingshill Souvenir Belt
    Bonus for pieces of equipment belonging to the same set:
    (2): + 2000 all resistance values (level dependent)
    (3): + 2000 Armor value (level dependent)
    (3): + 3500 Health Points (level dependent)

    "The people of Helios love souvenirs of all kinds. This piece belongs to the Kingshill souvenir series."
    a07.pngKingshill Souvenir Book

    Unique Item
    (Off Hand, Orb)
    Base Values (PvE) / Active Values (PvP)
    + 920-1240 Armor Value
    + 460-620 All Resistance Values
    + 1380-1860 Block Rate
    + 1 Block Strength

    + 83-111 % Improved Block Rate on this item
    + 0.46-1 Block Strength

    Unique Values
    Summer Sourvenir - Kingshill (0/3)
    Kingshill Souvenir Book
    Kingshill Sourvenir Adornment
    Kingshill Souvenir Belt
    Bonus for pieces of equipment belonging to the same set:
    (2): + 2000 all resistance values (level dependent)
    (3): + 2000 Armor value (level dependent)
    (3): + 3500 Health Points (level dependent)

    "The people of Helios love souvenirs of all kinds. This piece belongs to the Kingshill souvenir series."
    a08.pngKingshill Souvenir Buckler

    Unique Item
    (Off Hand, Shield Quiver)
    Base Values (PvE) / Active Values (PvP)
    + 920-1240 Armor Value
    + 460-620 All Resistance Values
    + 1380-1860 Block Rate
    + 1 Block Strength

    + 83-111 % Improved Block Rate on this item
    + 0.46-1 Block Strength

    Unique Values
    Summer Sourvenir - Kingshill (0/3)
    Kingshill Souvenir Buckler
    Kingshill Sourvenir Adornment
    Kingshill Souvenir Belt
    Bonus for pieces of equipment belonging to the same set:
    (2): + 2000 all resistance values (level dependent)
    (3): + 2000 Armor value (level dependent)
    (3): + 3500 Health Points (level dependent)

    "The people of Helios love souvenirs of all kinds. This piece belongs to the Kingshill souvenir series."
    a09.pngKingshill Souvenir Shield

    Unique Item
    (Off Hand, Shield)
    Base Values (PvE) / Active Values (PvP)
    920-1240 Armor Value
    460-620 All Resistance Values
    1380-1860 Block Rate
    1 Block Strength

    + 83-111 % Improved Block Rate on this item
    + 0.46-1 Block Strength

    Unique Values
    Summer Sourvenir - Kingshill (0/3)
    Kingshill Souvenir Shield
    Kingshill Sourvenir Adornment
    Kingshill Souvenir Belt
    Bonus for pieces of equipment belonging to the same set:
    (2): + 2000 all resistance values (level dependent)
    (3): + 2000 Armor value (level dependent)
    (3): + 3500 Health Points (level dependent)

    "The people of Helios love souvenirs of all kinds. This piece belongs to the Kingshill souvenir series."
    a010.pngKingshill Sourvenir Adornment

    Unique Item
    (Weapon Adornment, Trophy)
    Base Values (PvE) / Active Values (PvP)
    + (26-35) - (36-45) Damage
    + 460-620 Critical Hit Rate

    41-55% increased critical hit rate on this item
    8-11% faster attack speed

    Unique Values
    Summer Sourvenir - Kingshill (0/3)
    Kingshill Souvenir Shield
    Kingshill Sourvenir Adornment
    Kingshill Souvenir Belt
    Bonus for pieces of equipment belonging to the same set:
    (2): + 2000 all resistance values (level dependent)
    (3): + 2000 Armor value (level dependent)
    (3): + 3500 Health Points (level dependent)

    "The people of Helios love souvenirs of all kinds. This piece belongs to the Kingshill souvenir series."
    a011.pngKingshill Souvenir Belt

    Unique Item
    (Hips, Belt)
    Base Values (PvE) / Active Values (PvP)

    + 23-31 Damage
    + 448-605 Health Points (Dragonknight)
    + 345-465 Health Points (Steam Mechanicus & Spellweaver)
    + 380-512 Health Points (Ranger)
    + 368-496 All Resistance Values

    14-18% increased damage
    + 83-111% all resistance values on this item

    Unique Values
    Summer Sourvenir - Kingshill (0/3)
    Kingshill Souvenir Shield
    Kingshill Sourvenir Adornment
    Kingshill Souvenir Belt
    Bonus for pieces of equipment belonging to the same set:
    (2): + 2000 all resistance values (level dependent)
    (3): + 2000 Armor value (level dependent)
    (3): + 3500 Health Points (level dependent)

    "The people of Helios love souvenirs of all kinds. This piece belongs to the Kingshill souvenir series."
    a012.pngKingshill Necklace

    Unique Item
    (Neck, Amulet)
    Base Values (PvE) / Active Values (PvP)

    + 23-31 Damage
    + 598-806 Health Points (Dragonknight)
    + 460-620 Health Points (Steam Mechanicus & Spellweaver)
    + 506-682 Health Points (Ranger)
    + 276-372 All Resistance Values

    14-18% more Health Points
    + 0.23-0.31 Block Strength

    Unique Values
    36.00% more Health Points on this item

    "The people of Helios love souvenirs of all kinds. This piece belongs to the Kingshill souvenir series."
    a013.pngDragon Emblem Ring

    Unique Item
    (Ring finger, Ring)
    Base Values (PvE) / Active Values (PvP)

    + 23-31 Damage
    + 460-620 Critical Hit Rate
    + 748-1007 Health Points (Dragonknight)
    + 575-775 Health Points (Steam Mechanicus & Spellweaver)
    + 633-853 Health Points (Ranger)

    + 0.23-0.31 Block Strength
    83-111% more Health Points on this item

    Unique Values
    Regenerates 450.00 Health Points per second

    "The people of Helios love souvenirs of all kinds. This piece belongs to the Kingshill souvenir series."
    a014.pngKingshill Emblem Ring

    Unique Item
    (Ring finger, Ring)
    Base Values (PvE) / Active Values (PvP)

    + 23-31 Damage
    + 460-620 Critical Hit Rate
    + 748-1007 Health Points (Dragonknight)
    + 575-775 Health Points (Steam Mechanicus & Spellweaver)
    + 633-853 Health Points (Ranger)

    + 0.23-0.31 Block Strength
    83-111% more Health Points on this item

    Unique Values
    + 1200 Block Rate

    "The people of Helios love souvenirs of all kinds. This piece belongs to the Kingshill souvenir series."

    Summer Solstice Festival Attire

    Bonus while active:
    • 100% increased Colored Powder drop stack size
    • Chance to get a Ferry Ticket drop from worthy bosses
    • You can earn Insignias of Helpfulness during the festival's mini-games to complete the festival progress bar
    Duration: 2d 0h 0m 0s

    Summer Festival Preparation

    Q: How do I collect Insignias of Helpfulness?
    A: Accept the quests offered by Phestos and Sir Hardy in Kingshill. Note that the quests provided by Sir Hardy are daily quests and can only be finished once per day. There is only one daily quest available from the beginning of the event – two more can be unlocked by delivering the Apprentice Helper Badge and the Approved Helper Badge to Phestos

    Q: Where do I get Ferry Tickets?
    A: Ferry Ticket can be obtained from worthy enemies everywhere in Dracania. You can also use the Summer Solstice Festival Attire to get a chance of a Ferry Ticket drop from worthy bosses as well.

    Q: Where do I get Colored Powder?
    A: Colored Powder can drop from worthy opponents everywhere in Dracania, but the chance to get it from the enemies on Kalodoro is even higher.

    Q: I have an unequal amount of colored Powder, and just one color is missing to complete the quest, what should I do?
    A: You might not have noticed it, but as long as you have the Stolen Colors quest active that Phestos is offering, there is a unique recipe active at the workbench. There you can change the color of the Powder you already have collected. All you need is the Powder in the color of your choice and a specific dye.

    Q: I have finished the progress bar already, what should I do now?
    A: One essential part of the event is to collect all Summer Solstice Tokens. They will be needed during the actual festival to get the Melon Pug and the Summer Solstice Horse. Now that you have finished the progress bar, you might have collected at least one token already. But there are more hidden. Are you sure you have found them already? Note that there are a few Summer Solstice Tokens that can only be found during the preparation phase of the festival.

    Summer Solstice Festival

    The preparation is done, now its time for the festival to start. Enter Kalodoro again and hang out with your friends. Play some mini-games and invest your earned Solar Coins in some useful items offered by the various traders on Kalodoro.

    Q: I don’t have enough Solar Coins. How to get more?
    A: There are four different mini-games available during the festival. All of them grant you Solar Coins as rewards.

    Q: Where do I get mini-game tickets or Fishing rods?
    A: Every trader on Kalodoro offers the mini-game tickets or Fishing rods for Andermant but also for coins (limited to 20 per day). There is also a chance to get mini-game tickets from the fishing mini-game and Fishing rods from the other three mini-games.

    Q: Where do I get the unique equipment?
    A: Each of the four minigames offers another set of unique items as special rewards.

    Q: So, where do I get the Melon Pug and the Summer Solstice Horse now?
    A: There are two special chests placed in the north of Kalodoro. Use your Summer Solstice Tokens to open them.

    Q: I have no clue how to get the Insignias of Helpfulness during the actual festival.
    A: You get the Insignias during the festival from the mini-games if you wear the Summer Solstice Festival Attire. If you don’t want to use the attire, you can also buy the Helper’s Bundle offered by the traders on Kalodoro. This bundle contains 500x Insignias of Helpfulness.

    The Fishing Game

    Use a fishing rod to earn various rewards, like dyes, Solar Coins or even parts of the unique equipment.

    The Underground Chamber

    In this mini-game, you have to choose the chests you want to open by clicking on the plates. If you choose a wrong plate, all chests will disappear and the game is over. If you have chosen all the chests you want to open without clicking on a wrong plate, you can lock your decision by activating the brazier at the entry of the chamber. After that, you can open all the chosen chests and take the rewards.

    Meanie Rumble

    In this mini-game you have to defeat as many meanies as possible until your time runs out. The more meanies you defeat, the more reward chests will be unlocked after the time is up.​

    Arena of Endurance

    In this mini-game you have to survive as long as you can. You cannot use your skills in there and the longer the game goes the more enemies or traps will spawn.​

    Don’t worry, you cannot die in there – but the game ends if your health points drop to 0. Depending on how long you were able to survive you will get up to 7 reward chests.​
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