Suggestion Guild must have more features

Discussion in 'Creative Corner' started by Jessy23, May 17, 2021.

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  1. Jessy23

    Jessy23 Forum Greenhorn

    Guild must be more useful and have some passive abilities for example as many days, weeks or even months pass with each member a special guild bar will filled with points who will give more permanent talents to all members, also every guild member will also gain points for them which give them the ability to spent those points to the guild shop who will contain consumables (like buffs(xp, glory, leprechaun etc), elixirs, potions, emotes, mounts, pets, costumes etc, and other permanent items (and those who i mention before and others). Events for guilds (only visible if you are in one), time limited offers only for guilds etc. Guild wars who give us only mounts, emotes, pets or costumes or even a random chest who will contain glory points who will help u increase your rank fast and help you buy from pvp store things from guild wars and also this will give trophies (gold, silver or bronze) which grant guild and guild members more passive talents like more % glory points, the xp bar who will filled with time (when guild created and how many guild members has) will give the passive talents i said before and now and last we must have more guild members instead of only 50 and titles and rank offices which will grant different abilities.
    lion3370, Ezi_Zhilios and vetellan like this.
  2. ThorOrigins

    ThorOrigins Forum Greenhorn

    yeah they should also give us runes for pvp from that shop we wwill need those ;)