Announcement 16.01.2025 Maintenance

Discussion in 'Patchnotes and Maintenance' started by Hokori, Jan 15, 2025.

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  1. Hokori

    Hokori Board Administrator Team Drakensang Online

    Heroes of Dracania!

    Tomorrow, 16.01.2025, the servers will be updated, mostly with changes related to Chinese New Year.

    Start Countdown: 06:30
    Start Maintenance: 07:00
    Stop Maintenance: 09:00 (approx)

    Changes not related to event:
    • The descriptions of some payment items have been adjusted.
    • Some of the known game issues and text errors have been fixed.
    • The recipe to turn obsolete Kitchen Rods into Kitchen Keys has been added to the workbench.

    Changes for Chinese New Year event:
    • Head to Simon Clamour and begin the event with the “Seek the Fortune” quest. After completing the objectives, he will give you a Carrotcandy Ammo Recipe – a recipe to create an essence to deal damage to Nian Beast.
    • The Carrotcandy Ammo can be crafted at the Cooking Station. You’ll need 5x Carrots, 10x Refined Sugar, 1x Cocoa Powder, and 1x Vanilla Extract to create 999x Carrotcandy Ammo. The essence can also be bought in the store for 500x Andermant.
    • The Nian Beast is also vulnerable to other, stronger essences: Mangocandy Ammo, Supercandy Ammo and Oddcandy Ammo. The recipes for the mentioned essences can be bought from Dante DeSiddis in Kingshill for 5, 20 and 50x Kitchen Coins.
      • 999x Mangocandy Ammo needs: 5x Mango, 20x Refined Sugar, 3x Cocoa Powder and 2x Vanilla Extract. The essence can be bought in the store for 1000x Andermant.
      • 999x Supercandy Ammo needs: 3x Beef, 20x Refined Sugar, 3x Cocoa Powder and 3x Vanilla Extract. The essence can be bought in the store for 2000x Andermant.
      • 999x Oddcandy Ammo needs: 999x Carrotcandy Ammo, 999x Mangocandy Ammo and 999x Supercandy Ammo. The essence can be bought in the store for 3000x Andermant.
    • To fight the Nian Beast, you need to head out to the Altered Kingdom. Each entry requires 1x Dragon Cracker (plus 10x Fragment of Infernal Passage for Bloodshed difficulty).
    • The Dragon Cracker can be bought for 999x Andermant. You can also find them in Fortune Cookies.
    • Fortune Cookies can be found in the Fortune Cookie Box, an item that can be crafted at Fortune Tree in Kingshill.
      • To craft 1x Fortune Cookie Box, you need 10x Flour, 5x Milk and 10x Vanilla Extract.
      • Some of the noticeable vanity items that can be found in the Fortune Cookies:
        • Red Dragon Mount
        • Awoken Lion
        • Dragon Aura
        • NEW! Blessed Cap
      • Pay attention to the Fortune Cookie Box counter, as every player can claim crafting rewards for accumulated Fortune Cookie Boxes made by players on the server.
    • The fight in the Altered Kingdom is divided into phases. You need to click the Ancient Brazier to begin the fight.
      • First, you will fight with 4 Leaders in this order: Dark Protector, Taganwuta the Floor Warden, Glacial Protector, and Sly Protector. Only one Leader will be active during fight, the next one will start attacking you after defeating the previous one. You need the special essence to deal damage to them.
      • After defeating the last Leader, you will fight with two waves of normal monsters. You don’t need the special essence here.
      • In the final phase, you will finally face Nian Beast. You will need the special essence to deal damage to the boss. You can also lead the boss to the fire trap on the floor, as it will break its armor.
    • The Nian Beast will drop 10x Vanilla Extract. It can also drop the Awoken Lion pet and Red Dragon mount.
    • After defeating the Nian Beast, a chest will appear that contains Chinese Lanterns – the progress item of the event. The progress is different for each difficulty and can vary:
      • Normal: 10/14/18
      • Painful: 20/25//30
      • Excruciating: 50/60/70
      • Fatal: 75/85/90
      • Infernal: 100/110/120
      • Merciless: 130/140/150
      • Bloodshed: 160/180/200
    • You also can receive the new alchemy circle – Blessed Circle. The chance of it is higher with higher difficulties.
    • The final reward from the progress bars is a new costume, Blessed Cloak.
    • The last new vanity item, trail called Fortune Cloud, can be bought from Stellan Caprise for 399x Kitchen Coins.
    • You can enter the Year of the Snake with a new pet, Kung Fu Lion, that will give you 18% more damage and 18% more critical value. You have 3% chance to get it from Kung Fu Lion Package. The package will always contain 1x Dragon Cracker, 10x Kitchen Keys, and 999x Oddcandy Ammo.
    Your Drakensang Online Team.
    Alpaca, bibere and salotr like this.
  2. Hokori

    Hokori Board Administrator Team Drakensang Online

    Heroes of Dracania!

    We are encountering some uploading issue for updating the US servers.

    The new estimated Stop Maintenance time: 11:00
    Thank you for your patience and understanding!
    Your Drakensang Online Team.
    salotr likes this.
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