Announcement 30.12.2024 Maintenance

Discussion in 'Patchnotes and Maintenance' started by Hokori, Dec 29, 2024.

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  1. Hokori

    Hokori Board Administrator Team Drakensang Online

    Heroes of Dracania!

    Tomorrow, 30.12.2024, the servers will be updated and introduce the following changes:

    Start Countdown: 06:30
    Start Maintenance: 07:00
    Stop Maintenance: 09:00 (approx)

    Riot of the Rocketman
    • Enhanced the defensive attributes of the Machine Babies in Professor Jullov's Laboratory map.
    • Increased the amount of traps in Professor Jullov's Laboratory map.
    • Increased the event progress amount and boosted the rewards.
    • The Soul of Brown Snake mount has been added. You can obtain it as a last reward from the Riot of the Rocketmen event progress bar.
    • Shark Rocket mount has been added. You can obtain it as a Payment Bundle from the shop.
    • Jubilant Messenger Alchemy Circle has been added. You can obtain it with Community Coins from Jesse O'Barker.

    QoL & Bug Fixes
    • Shadow Portal can now be crafted at the Workbench.
    • Coffee Bean, Crystal Miner's Pickaxe, and Lowering Contraption Burner are now part of the Special Bag under the category "Keys".
    • A new UI improvement where you can now see the amount of resources you own when attempting to enter a map that has Entry Requirements, has been added.


    Due to a certain issue that affects the Certificate Signing process for the game client, it might be the case that you will come across an error saying 'Failed to verify the signature of a downloaded file!'. Please follow the instructions below in order to fix the issue:
    • Uninstall the game from your system (make sure you closed all the client instances before). Preferably, use the game Uninstaller, usually located at C:\Program Files (x86)\Drakensang Online.
    • Delete the DSOClient folder from the Temp folder. To locate it, press Win + R, type %temp% and press enter, then delete the DSOClient folder.
    • Make sure to delete the DSOClient folder from the Recycle Bin too.
    • Follow the instructions in this provided link to manually download and install the certificates.
    • Download and install the game from the Official Website .

    Your Drakensang Online Team.
    salotr likes this.
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