Discussion in 'Quests' started by vasco69, Aug 22, 2019.

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  1. vasco69

    vasco69 Forum Apprentice

    I have a problem to access the map of QAIZAH
    i am lvl 52
    no doors to access HIRAJA
    Is there a special quest to make these protes appear?
  2. vegetadavid

    vegetadavid Forum Mogul

  3. vasco69

    vasco69 Forum Apprentice

  4. Sunlight

    Sunlight User

    Hey there @vasco69 ,

    Welcome to the EN Forum :)
    You should have a quest in NPC Zahir, after completing the other quests from the previous region. Otherwise, please, feel free to contact our support team. They will be able to help you :)
  5. elitecrew1031

    elitecrew1031 Regular

    In order to get this quest you must finish the quest for killing balor . IF you haven't unlocked swing of life/death than you must do these quests in order to unlock the quest for balor.
  6. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Yes there is.
    You need to finish all the main quests in Lor'Tac so you can unlock the last main quest Saving the World Heart.
    That quest is one of the requirements to unlock the Qaizah region.
  7. vasco69

    vasco69 Forum Apprentice

    Thank you all for your help
    actually I have 2 quests to finish
  8. Sunlight

    Sunlight User

    Hey there @vasco69 ,

    Everyone's here to help :)
    Let us know whenever you reach Hiraja :)