Account for test server

Discussion in 'Test Server' started by Theflood3, Feb 7, 2020.

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  1. Theflood3

    Theflood3 Forum Greenhorn

    Hi, how can i have a account level max for have some fun on the test server? If you can give me one i was really happy

    Thanx to read this and say me how to have a level max account for test server.
  2. dkarl

    dkarl Forum Duke

    Log in, create a toon, level up yourself … so easy, right? :)

    The point of the test server is to actually test the game updates in development, not just to have some fun. It's important for various players to have toons at different levels in order to provide comprehensive test results to the devs. I've heard of instances in the past when toons were granted instant level cap upgrades on a temporary basis, but I believe the toons were always rolled back to their true state after the devs got the necessary feedback.
  3. Veteran666

    Veteran666 Advanced

    It is possible to get permanent max level toon (normal or stable) on TS,during major expansions testing.In theory all toons on TS can wiped out by devs.
  4. Theflood3

    Theflood3 Forum Greenhorn

    On YouTube, a youtuber say "ask to the administrators to have a max account" on the reply of it comments
  5. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Administrators on Test Server not on forum.