Advent Calendar 2024

Discussion in 'Speakers‘ Corner' started by THOR_RAGNAROK_ODIN, Dec 30, 2024.

Dear forum reader,

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    THOR_RAGNAROK_ODIN Someday Author

    Last edited by moderator: Dec 30, 2024
  2. Talbor

    Talbor Regular

    Since you're able to speak English, I'd recommend asking on Discord. It's more active, so you'll likely get help faster.

    The only thing I can think of though if you're positive you didn't already use the code(s) is to double-check the spelling. I hope you can get it to work, good luck!
    salotr likes this.
  3. salotr

    salotr Forum Connoisseur

    If the codes have been used on one character on the account, they will not work if they are used on a second or third character on the same account.
    If this is not the case for you, then ask them on discord.
  4. SillySword

    SillySword Regular

    Some bonus codes did expire earlier. It could be a technical glitch when set up.
  5. salotr

    salotr Forum Connoisseur

    Same to me!

    THOR_RAGNAROK_ODIN Someday Author

    Thanks to those who responded, but the Moderator edited and hid, but I did not provide any response,

    the one who remains silent grants in my favor that they are CHANTAS.

    Edit this also moderator.
