Advice for Ranger Build

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by Alteredhumanity, Aug 7, 2024.

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  1. Alteredhumanity

    Alteredhumanity Forum Apprentice

    Hello everyone I state that I have returned very recently in the game and would like some advice. I have a 100 level ranger with 62 wisdom. I would like to ask you on how to continue the build of ranger. Which items best for ranger and which runes etc will be focus. I need your advice on what items should be made for the ranger and which gems should be developed for these items. I also need your advice about gems/runes/jewels.
  2. Talbor

    Talbor Regular

  3. Alteredhumanity

    Alteredhumanity Forum Apprentice

    Hi Talbor, Thanks for your prompt response. Actually I saw that tag and it is really help me to understand what to do after become 100 level. However I wonder that which gems/runes should be developed or focused. I am farming at Great Desert and I drop various runes etc. But I don't know which runes/jewels must be used or which ones should be sold.
  4. dkarl

    dkarl Forum Duke

    I just copied this from a pinned message within the ranger channel in the DSO Discord server:

    — 10/22/2023 10:27 AM

    i think you need only: 5 materi + 5 wisdom 5dmg + 5 attackspeed 5 crit + 5 winter runes 5 movespeed + 5 hp 4 conc reg + 3 conc + 1 special rune from paragon of deceit + you can use 2 of the group runes (ander+realm changer, and swap either for group wisdom rune if necessary)​

    To my mind, as a Steam Mech main, Materi isn't the most useful currency, so consider swapping those out for others of your choice (they are cheaper than most runes to upgrade, so you might want to keep a stack in your locker [but not equip them] and upgrade them to more quickly earn access to higher upgrade tiers for your more useful runes).

    Obvious runes to insta-grind: experience boost runes, block strength runes, resistance runes (there are plenty of those ... grind them all!). I still have some of the HP regen runes in my kit, but they're kinda broken, so not as valuable as the description might suggest, and most players grind those, too.

    Jewels come from events and sales. There's a rumor that they can drop from bosses (PW only? PW Bloodshed only?), but I've never seen one. You'll gather jewels so slowly that you can afford to just dump them all in your trinkets for now and figure out what's valuable later.
    Alteredhumanity likes this.
  5. Alteredhumanity

    Alteredhumanity Forum Apprentice

    Thanks for your response. Now I have 140k damage and 1.4mn HP. I will focus on runes and wisdom to increase these stats. At least I know which runes should grind and which are not.
    Jewels are hard for me at this level. I try my best to drop them :)
    About items, I know Q5 Rings are necessary but I'm not sure about other items. Could you advise on this.
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2024
  6. OopsFoos

    OopsFoos Board Analyst

    Gems fall on all difficulties, from hell to bloodshed, with a difference in the chance of falling out...
  7. Talbor

    Talbor Regular

    You'll likely not drop any jewels in the wild unfortunately, so watch for those as event rewards. The special runes like the Spring Runes you have to get during certain events if I remember correctly. I only have 2 atm, but those are nice when you can get them since they add 3 stats like crit/damage/etc, instead of 1.

    I rarely group so the group runes are useless for me, so factor that in before you buy those unless you can find groups to join so you can take advantage of the runes.

    It'll take awhile to max them out, but I focused on the crit & attack speed first. You can get a reward from new moon event fairly easy that'll let you get a free rune upgrade. It's great to take one from purple to orange, so save those to get full benefit. Good luck!
  8. dkarl

    dkarl Forum Duke

    I primarily focus on my steam mechanic; I do have a couple of baby rangers, but mostly as placeholders, so don't personally know enough to recommend specific items for you.

    I do recommend you use that link I sent above to go to the ranger-specific channel in the DSO Discord server. As noted, there's a batch of pinned messages there which show starter builds through meta-worthy end-game builds, including gear, enchantment/gem types, and (separately) skill settings.

    One other quick suggestion: You'll probably want to stick with either a long bow or short bow plus a quiver shield at first ... it's easier to get to the target 4.0 attack speed with those first 2 style of bows instead of the clunkier siege bows.

    To compare your values to meta-builds, a quick scan of that channel showed multiple end-game rangers with damage in the 7 to 8 million range; HP ~3.5MM; you'll eventually want something like 385K crit value, too. Eventually :)
    Talbor likes this.
  9. StayinFrosty

    StayinFrosty Junior Expert

    Apart from Q5 rings you can also try to get your hands on terror helmet and gloves (both drop in Sargon's Shadowfort when Sargon event is active). Both of them have unique values that provide you with a buff and a debuff, but by using both you can cancel out the debuffs and gain both a damage and a crit boost. Another thing I would advise to get is 2 part Wrathful Seeker set. It will allow you to reach high attack speed without too much effort and resources into attack speed gems/items. Torso and shoulders since those slots are pretty lacking on good early-game items. Next you want Brigavik boots and adornment for even more crit and movement speed, if you don't know how to get them check out VelveteenDuck's video on Lingering Memory maps. For cloak you can go with Cloak of Heroes, which is a global drop and can drop anywhere, good damage/opal cape in general. For the amulet go for Q2 to increase armor break from Hunting Trap. For off-hand Beast is really good to help you get more hp and Predator 1-hand bow (Or any other unique bow with attack speed ~0.400 works) Both of which are also global drops. Belt is a bit tricky, Ideally you want Belt of Zeal which you can get from Premium day or Summer Solstice. If u can't get it then you could go for Yachak belt + gloves if u don't get the terror gloves either. If u have terror gloves but not Belt of Zeal, then Bloodmage belt is a decent option for more hp.

    Alteredhumanity and Talbor like this.
  10. Alteredhumanity

    Alteredhumanity Forum Apprentice

    Thanks for your response. I research Wrathfull Seeker set and I found that it does not drop any bosses. We have to craft them. Am I right on this. Your advice gave me a goal in short term. I'll keep researching how I can drop or craft all items you said above. Unfortunately Forum has not updated information for items' stats and their crafting ingredients. I have to find videos to learn. After 6 years without drakensang it is difficult to understand all new things :) But I will try my best.
  11. dkarl

    dkarl Forum Duke

    I haven't paid much attention to that set, but its items appearenlty drop randomly (separately, with a low drop rate) in the newish Land of Immortals continent. To get a set bonus, you need to craft the individual pieces of gear you drop in combination with a red or blue ring that drops from the boss in the Primal Spark dungeon at the end of the Hall of Paradoxes dungeon.

    Hopefully someone with more experience can confirm / correct my assumptions.
  12. StayinFrosty

    StayinFrosty Junior Expert

    As dkarl mentioned, the set drops in Land of Immortals. All items required drop from the boss in Primal Spark. Since you want the 2 piece set bonus from torso and shoulders, you will need to drop the seeker torso, shoulders and 2 of either boss ring (both works). Then you upgrade it to might seeker at the workbench. The level of the craft will be taken from the highest component, so as long as you have one item/ring lvl140 the crafted item will also be lvl140. The drop rate of the items is pretty equal on all difficulties so lets say you drop 2 lvl140 rings, start farming on lower modes to save keys of prowess and time. If you need more help with your build I would advise you to join the DSO discord as it has more active players that can usually answer your questions in a faster manner than on the forums.
  13. Alteredhumanity

    Alteredhumanity Forum Apprentice

    Thanks for your advice. I tried to join discord which you shared previous. But link was not active.
  14. Talbor

    Talbor Regular