All For One - Group Event recompensate for Balor server players?

Discussion in 'Event Questions' started by rynkmarz, Aug 4, 2018.

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  1. rynkmarz

    rynkmarz Forum Greenhorn

    Will there be any recompensate for Balor server players? Its group event and also specific kind of class (dwart, warrior etc) is needed to open chests. On Balar server is very difficult to make group and to have group with different classes is impossible. Therefore doing this event on Balor server is impossible. I think group events are generally good idea but please make them possible to do next time.
  2. nvmind

    nvmind Forum Inhabitant

    Why would you want the runes then ? Are all exclusive for group play :)
  3. Arr

    Arr Forum Expert

    a group of 2 people is still a group so these runes are working for them, they just cant get the 4 classes
  4. Audriukaas

    Audriukaas Forum Apprentice

    This event SHAME:(


    This event creator can play alone this junk.....For event like this must be amaizing good rewards not that uselesss runes but Drakens and good stuff...
    To kill this fatal boss for my max dwarf costs 300 ess..but for weak player need like 3k ess.... Please delete this event and we all will fotget this BIG FAIL
    Last edited by moderator: Aug 4, 2018
  5. Nobs

    Nobs Forum Apprentice

    Question.....was this event made for high power lvl55's only? cause at lvl52 me and some others can't beat the swarm of endless mobs that keep spawning or is there a trick to this maddness?