Best sets for dwarf

Discussion in 'Steam Mechanicus' started by ItzStam, Mar 31, 2019.

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  1. ItzStam

    ItzStam Someday Author

    I recently reached lvl 55 and have about 30k of materi fragments. What's the best sets for dwarf for damage?
    And also how will I get/purchase these sets?
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2019

    FAALHAAS Forum Duke

    I might be wrong, but you best save those frags if you just reached 55.

    I hear most dwarfs talk about q7-q8 and i think youre busy doing quests/runs for awhile.
  3. ItzStam

    ItzStam Someday Author

    yeah i heard about that too, but the reason im making this post is to find out what exactly i need to buy to build the highest possible dmg as a dwarf.. i've heard about the q7 and q8 combination but again i dont know what items to buy from each set..

    i just need a really pro dwarf player to tell me about that stuff with details

    FAALHAAS Forum Duke

    Ill just wait with you for that info :)

    what server youre on? Im also noob lvl55 dwarf
  5. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

  6. bezryl

    bezryl Active Author

    first while you have the chance farm realm fragments and farm dragan as much as you can for his set(you want helm boots and the ring if you can)

    my suggestions for you please take into consideration im thinking of you being able to do things yourself and not rely on being carried if you can help it.

    first set i would reccomend is q8(chest armor and adornment) this set is really good for soloing and even more so on boss fights
    then get the q7 set(weapon and gloves)

    if you are to weak to do pw yet the desert set is an ok set to start with and desert is a really good farming map,you can take keys to khalys and farm the cape from there

    use tesla in desert move around so they dont hit you easy peasy just dont fight the snake mobs they have ranged attackers

    shoulders-new moon event from tree miniboss only shoulders in game that give % dmg
    belt- same from new moon will get you 2/4 set bonus 11% attack speed i think
    amulet - any, q9 is a suggestion for the % critical hit rate and resistances
    boots- until you have dragan again q9 is a good option for the % critical rate and 2/2 set bonus for some attack speed or new moon boots also will give you % critical hit rate
    cape-khalys for % dmg new moon % critical hit rate
    rings-any really i personally use a cube ring and dragan ring or 2x cube rings, besides those rings of death 10% attack speed
  7. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Well, we have a couple days left to the DtU event. I sugest you try to get the ring/boots/helmet from Dragan before it ends. It will be a huge boost... Or you can wait a couple months for the real Dragan event.

    Other than that, go with the other recommendations:
    Sigris' torso/weapon adornment
    Herald weapon/gloves

    The rest can be filled in with a collection of legendaries until you figure out what your end goals are in this game.

    FAALHAAS Forum Duke

    Im using this for aslong i can remember and i never manage to find better one. Is this one decent for now? Im trying to farm q7....but no luck yet. [never seen a uniq drop in pw maps]
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2019
  9. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    It's a decent transitional weapon. What you could is continue blind crafting 3x 2H extraordinary guns with an aim to getting a 4x idoti (or 3x idoti/1x id as a second choice) that you can put on a t7 herald gun that you would buy with materi frags.