Bug Bug in Temple Sector map

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by velimir84, Jun 4, 2015.

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  1. velimir84

    velimir84 Forum Apprentice

    Hello everyone, i and my friend have bug in temple sector map. Barrels on map, don't allow to click on quest. I can't accros that barrles. Anybody for help, how to solve this problem. This is picture for that problem. Link is here: http://tinypic.com/r/ajuvz8/8
  2. littlemichel

    littlemichel Active Author

    currently that object from the quest "
    the enslaved God 4/5 in temple sector" can not be click due bug in map ,support said to me time ago ,it is as knowning issue ,we can not do anything till they fix it
  3. Mal3ficent

    Mal3ficent Guest

  4. Rish.M

    Rish.M Forum Greenhorn

    The map will not let me get to the head of the holy hammer in Atlantis series. The pots on the ground block my way. Is there a trick to getting to it??
  5. Anyki

    Anyki User

    Hello @Rish.M

    I have moved your thread to the correct section. :)

    We can't help you here on the forums with this problem. Please contact Support and explain the issue you are facing. Be sure to include your character name, User ID and server.

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