Announcement Changes to Testserver Release 155 (#2)

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by teddy.bear, Aug 19, 2015.

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  1. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Forum Ambassador

    Hello Heroes,

    Please note that a new version of the test server is aimed to be launched today or tomorrow morning (19th & 20th August).​

    The version will contain mostly bug fixes to quests and missing localization.​

    Here is an overview of all changes.​

    Bugfixes for the continent of Lor’Tac:

    Quest: Elements of Life

    Drop chance of quest was way too low – drop chance now increased.

    Quest: Saving the Worlds Heart (2/3)
    The character received a wrong quest item (Fruit of Artaya). After this fix the character receives the correct item: Blossom of Life.

    Quest: It´s not fair (1/2)
    The champion monster that had to be defeated was invisible – it is now visible.
    The champion monster that had to be defeated was invisible – it is now visible.

    Quest: It´s not fair (1/2)
    The state object Aura of Life was very hard to be clicked on as the mouse cursor was not able to recognize the object. This has been corrected.

    Quest: Holy Artefact
    Players were unable to finish this quest due to a wrongly timed trigger.

    Quest: The First Shamans (3/3)
    State objects Aura of Life was very hard to be clicked on as the mouse cursor
    was not able to recognize the object. This has been corrected.

    Quest: The Resurrection (1/1)
    No NPC is present to complete the quest. This has been corrected.
    No NPC is present to complete the quest. This has been corrected.

    Achievement categories
    The achievement categories Mounts and Pets were missing their icons,
    which now have been added.

    Random Monster Enchantments
    Monsters will now have only 1 additional base enchantment.

    Agathon’s Alliance Hall not accessible
    The map has now been made accessible again.

    Graphical Effects reworked to increase performance
    Some graphical elements of the Orbax and the Fleshwalker have been reworked, because they slowed down the performance of the gameplay.

    Unnamed Map
    g0008_altar_01_boss_locked is now called Agathon’s Alliance Hall (locked).

    Quest champion is invisible
    Champion Ueman the Undignifying is now visible again.

    Talent Ready for Battle active when not selected
    The talent now only works when selected

    Clearing skills
    Clearing skills via the cogwheel icon does not always work with PvP battles
    The button now works as intended.

    Frog River Delta too dark
    The light on this map has been reworked to be lighter.

    A final version will be launched on the test server at the latest by Monday the 24th of August. However, the changes will be not made public in the test server forum thread but in the form of Patch Notes.
    Best regards,
    CMs Greg and Haruki & DSO Moderation Team
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