Bug Client "Login" Button Does Not Work

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Malice, Nov 7, 2016.

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  1. Malice

    Malice Forum Greenhorn

    I just installed the client. When I type in my username/password and click "Login" nothing happens. Only the "Register" button does anything.
  2. Sunlight

    Sunlight User

    Hey there @Malice ,

    This may help you. I am not sure, but try ;)

    I experienced the same some days ago, but then it worked fine.

    If the problem remains, let us know ;)

  3. Malice

    Malice Forum Greenhorn

    No go.

    It's strange, it doesn't give an error or any kind of feedback. It acts like the button just doesn't do anything.
  4. wenny0119

    wenny0119 Junior Expert

    Maybe you typed in the wrong password. The password is cases-sensitive. I do it all the time, didn't realise that the caps lock button is on, so the login button is unresponsive. They should at least implement the notification saying wrong password.
  5. Malice

    Malice Forum Greenhorn

    Really? That's a huge problem with their login, I've never come across anything like that before.

    The password should be correct though, since my caps lock is off and I can still log into their website (Drakensang.com).
  6. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Try logging in from browser and see if your pass/username combination is correct.
  7. Malice

    Malice Forum Greenhorn

    As per my last post, that's what I did.
  8. A few questions:
    - What OS are you running?
    - Have you successfully launched DSO on this computer previously?
    - Are you logged onto your computer as an admin?
    - Do you have Flash Player installed?
    - Do you have the latest graphics driver, codec and DirectX versions installed for your system?
    - Does your computer have a graphics card (which?) or an integrated graphics chipset?
    - Have you scanned your computer for viruses and malware?
    - Have you checked that your antivirus//firewall application is not blocking DSO?
    - Have you tried running a tracert to the DSO server which you are trying to play on?
    - Have you checked that DSO is not blocked by your ISP - especially if trying to access it from a school/work/public library.
  9. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Just out of curiosity .... when you try to log in do you have this notification displayed in the bottom left corner?

  10. Malice

    Malice Forum Greenhorn

    From what I can remember, that thing usually pops up.

    I just tried to Login and it wasn't there. I waited for a few minutes. When I hit "Register" and closed the window, it popped up soon after. Tried to Login and no go. I closed the client and re-opened it and this time the notifcation quickly came up. Was not able to Login.


    - What OS are you running?
    Windows 10.
    - Have you successfully launched DSO on this computer previously? No.
    - Are you logged onto your computer as an admin? Yes. And I've ran the client as admin.
    - Do you have Flash Player installed? Yes.
    - Do you have the latest graphics driver, codec and DirectX versions installed for your system? Not entirely sure about the graphics driver, my computer is a little over a year old. I can play games on steam like DooM, L4D, etc. Never had any problems with games except for Vindictus doesn't run.
    - Does your computer have a graphics card (which?) or an integrated graphics chipset?
    I have a laptop. Lenovo W541.
    - Have you scanned your computer for viruses and malware?
    - Have you checked that your antivirus//firewall application is not blocking DSO?
    Yes. Also tried it with the firewall off.
    - Have you tried running a tracert to the DSO server which you are trying to play on?
    - Have you checked that DSO is not blocked by your ISP - especially if trying to access it from a school/work/public library.
    No. I only access it from home. My ISP is CenturyLink.

    So I've noticed that when running the Drakensang client, that sometimes things don't load. Like the Login and Register button's secondary graphic (used for mouse-over event) doesn't load, so when I hover over it the button graphic just vanishes. And the short video with mounts doesn't always load along with the notification at the bottom. But if this happens, when I click on "Register" (even if the graphic isn't loaded), it seems to kickstart the process and those things start to load. What does or does not load before that, can be rather random.

    Also. I haven't played this game in a very long time. I played it in the browser. This is my 1st time using the client, so it's never worked for me.
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2016
  11. Sunlight

    Sunlight User

    Hey there @Malice ,

    Please, do not make consecutive posts - they were merged.

    Once again, I experienced the same trouble, but I relog again and it worked.

    We are passing it to our Team ;)

  12. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

  13. Ok...
    1) Perform an IP-config/DNS flush
    2) Do check that you have got the latest DirectX version for your system installed.
    3) Do run a tracert to the DSO server you are trying to play on. It wouldn't hurt to run some speed/stability tests on your internet connection too.
    4) If you have got Java installed - or are happy to do so - try launching DSO via Firefox.
  14. srl54df

    srl54df Forum Apprentice

    Earnest request on behalf of hundreds of players, check with the developers did not change whether they have or whether the network settings morning 10.11.2016g. because we are experiencing problems with entering the game, as well as loading and long overhangs when changing locations. Since the problem is not solved dosih.
  15. Malice

    Malice Forum Greenhorn

    1) Ok done.
    2) Yes. DirectX 12.
    Tracing route to agathon.drakensang.com []
    over a maximum of 30 hops:
      1    15 ms     9 ms     5 ms  qwestmodem.domain.actdsltmp []
      2    29 ms    28 ms    28 ms  207-108-176-17.slkc.qwest.net []
      3    56 ms    35 ms    29 ms  207-108-177-129.slkc.qwest.net []
      4     *       41 ms    47 ms  dvr-brdr-02.inet.qwest.net []
      5     *        *        *     Request timed out.
      6     *        *        *     Request timed out.
      7    96 ms    77 ms    89 ms  BIGPOINT-GM.edge5.LosAngeles1.Level3.net []
      8    58 ms    57 ms    57 ms  agathon.drakensang.com []
    Trace complete.
    C:\WINDOWS\system32>tracert agathon.drakensang.com
    Tracing route to agathon.drakensang.com []
    over a maximum of 30 hops:
      1     1 ms     1 ms     1 ms  qwestmodem.domain.actdsltmp []
      2    28 ms    29 ms    28 ms  207-108-176-17.slkc.qwest.net []
      3    28 ms    28 ms    28 ms  207-108-177-129.slkc.qwest.net []
      4    39 ms    37 ms    37 ms  dvr-brdr-02.inet.qwest.net []
      5     *        *        *     Request timed out.
      6     *        *        *     Request timed out.
      7   121 ms    67 ms    85 ms  BIGPOINT-GM.edge5.LosAngeles1.Level3.net []
      8    56 ms    68 ms    57 ms  agathon.drakensang.com []
    Trace complete.
    Test from "speedtest.net".
    Ping = 62 ms
    Download Speed = 4.91 Mbps
    Upload Speed = 0.64 Mbps

    Note: Sometimes I leave the client on for an hour and try to login, but it still doesn't work.

    4) Updated Java. Tried it in FireFox and it works. I can log in the game and play a character.

    Client still behaves the same.


    I installed the Drakensang client on an older laptop and I can login just fine. However, there are some differences:
    • Windows 10 is out of date (currently downloading updates)
    • Client didn't finish updating when I logged in and out. The downloading bar for it doesn't come up anymore either.
    • It's hardwired into the router
    I'll try again once windows is completely up to date. I'll also try it through Wifi once its IP address has been added to the router.

    UPDATE 2

    The older laptop is completely up to date and the Drakensang client finished updating as well. It still works.

    I hardwired my laptop into the router, but the client "Login" button still does nothing.
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2016
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