Cloak of Heroes Tier VI

Discussion in 'Speakers‘ Corner' started by Sprokkel, Jan 8, 2019.

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  1. Sprokkel

    Sprokkel Active Author

    Hello, when I stand in front of the Khalys portal, everyone can see that you can get the Cloak or Heroes Tier VI dropped.
    In the meantime I have made 300 attempts, only with regard to unique items, only Roshan, Dragonwingscepter or Codex, or that other Durian rubbish, but a cloak does not drop there.
    How many Key or Prowess do the developers think, players have to use to get a drop on the Cloak. This is just madness.
    In other words, players are going full-on, but you only get rubbish and more clutter.
    The gun factor of BP is not very high again, we can see that well again.
    Thank you for all that rubbish :confused::mad:
    Arr likes this.
  2. Phyrix

    Phyrix Count Count

    I spent a good 2700 keys before it dropped for me.
    I would refer you to a thread but it is so long ago that I cannot remember (or someone told me this)
    If a unique does not drop for you after lets say xxx rounds, it will not drop on that day, leave it a few days and go back and you will most probably drop it.
    It worked for me like that with mortis ring (back when I thought its amazing)
    It also worked like that for me with cloak of heroes.
    Give it a few days before trying again
  3. nuriko.ds01

    nuriko.ds01 Forum Greenhorn

    I managed to drop it in about 60 tries. Most time I was going there duo with friend with no luck. Then I made about 5 rounds solo and finally got it :)

    IKILLGIANTS Active Author

    just got it after 20 runs,thing is i was there after bramble stalk :)
  5. nikatar

    nikatar Junior Expert

    I have gone there trying to get oit more than 30 times and nthing is not easy but not impossible too! It make sense to be hard to get it cause many players want it and it is one of the best at the game
  6. Paavelson

    Paavelson Junior Expert

    around 150 runs on testserver 2 months ago on testserver.
  7. ShamisSabri

    ShamisSabri Someday Author

    all luck, i got three from 7 runs... i rarely get lucky with drops though. this time i did.
  8. nikatar

    nikatar Junior Expert

    So are u here to annoy us?? xD ;p
  9. Sprokkel

    Sprokkel Active Author

    About 600 runs done, still no cloak dropped. I find the difference between players in which they get their unique items dropped outrageously.
    Why do I have to spend weeks in it without getting anything. I only get rubbish that does not appear on the portal.
    If players have to search for 1 unique item every time as I do, then my sentence in DSO will pass very quickly.
  10. MikeyMetro

    MikeyMetro Forum Overlooker

    Sorry to say but this thread is kinda pointless. If nobody was getting a certain drop then that would be a bug. But as long as some are then it is working as intended.

    It is also working as it always had. I recall way back when during the level 40 cap days the same thread existed for Khalys. Only then it was folks complaining about not getting Predator or Cloaked Wrath from Khalys hard mode.

    If I made a list of all the unique drops I desire but have not got in the last couple of years then this would become a tldr post... just saying ;)
    _Baragain_ likes this.
  11. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Here, Here! I remember how awesome Cloaked Wrath was, or Destructor's Breastplate/Amulet, or the Helmet of Death...…… Soooooo many items that I've never gotten despite farming more than was ever reasonable. I'd run in a team, because back then, the big bosses needed a team, and I'd watch my team mates get the drop, while I never did.

    You know, it reminds me of this stupid green/blue gem crafting book... but hey, that is how it works.
    MikeyMetro likes this.
  12. wildmonkey

    wildmonkey Forum Apprentice

    Haha maybe im lucky but i did about 10 runs and got it
  13. nikatar

    nikatar Junior Expert

    Sure u are!