Code: Error 21

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by papalel, Sep 26, 2014.

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  1. papalel

    papalel Forum Apprentice

    Been getting this error for 2 days in a row, 1st going into PW Grimmagstone and now Gleaming Mountain. Using browser & client still the same result.
  2. Marky66

    Marky66 Forum Greenhorn

    Me too entering gleaming mountain
  3. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    What server?
    mrmlja likes this.
  4. papalel

    papalel Forum Apprentice

    Tegan server
  5. This is a known issue and it has been reported for investigation. If anyone encounters the same issue on another server and/or in other map locations, please post the details here and it will be added to the report.
  6. papalel

    papalel Forum Apprentice

    Thank you.
  7. Kobas262

    Kobas262 Forum Greenhorn

    I am playing on server Grimmag and i get this Error 21 evry time when i try to enter Wild Forest....pls any suggestions how to fix this, i tryed many solutions and nothing worked...
  8. kirwis

    kirwis Forum Greenhorn

    i hawe same problem Error
  9. hidaniux

    hidaniux Forum Greenhorn

    i hawe same problem
  10. Mugiwi

    Mugiwi Forum Apprentice

    I am having the same problem "Error Code 21" when I try to enter "The Wild Forest" from Kingshill, that's on Grimmage server
  11. Kobas262

    Kobas262 Forum Greenhorn

    The funny thing is that i am wasting my premium days and i cant continue lvling in higher lvl maps and i dont see that they are trying to fix this......
  12. versrat

    versrat Someday Author

    me too, this morning.....
  13. Voldemort

    Voldemort Junior Expert

    There were some problems with the servers (BP wide)
    This should be solved by know even the error 21 case should be solved by now.
  14. versrat

    versrat Someday Author

    No, sorry. The problem is still there for me on Grimmag, trying to exit to the Wild Forest. No server - error 21 !
  15. versrat

    versrat Someday Author

    For me, at any rate. On Grimmag server, when trying to exit to the Wild Forest. It says "no server available".....


    OK, NOW it's fixed ! 8o) Thanks.
    Last edited by moderator: Oct 9, 2014
  16. Innerbeast

    Innerbeast Forum Greenhorn

    On Grimmag server i have to report error 21 when entering on Heralds map
  17. Confirmed and reported for actioning. Thank-you for that.
  18. Paxi001

    Paxi001 Forum Greenhorn

    I'm having the same problem, code 21, when entering Heart of Atlantis, on Heredur server.
  19. It has been reported and we are waiting for news.
  20. pippi-langkous

    pippi-langkous Forum Greenhorn

    Reporting error code 21 Heredur server entering Herald/Dragon Cave. Thank you.
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