D3D9RenderDevice error

Discussion in 'Technical Support' started by Ununtrium, Jul 9, 2024.

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  1. Ununtrium

    Ununtrium Forum Greenhorn

    Steam or original launch - Same error everywhere
    Win11x64/RX5700XT last driver AMD 24.5.1/DX9 updated

    D3D9RenderDevice:: SetupAdapter0 has failed with- 2005530518


    All games and applications on the computer work correctly. EXCEPT this game
  2. Hokori

    Hokori Board Administrator Team Drakensang Online


    for such cases I advise you to contact our support team. In the meantime, you can try our usual guidelines for this kind of issues, such as deleting the Temp Folder, checking if the client is running at 64bit instead of 32bit, or any other line from our statement here: https://board-en.drakensang.com/threads/technical-faq.60420/