Dragan Event - Mysterious Scroll

Discussion in 'Event Questions' started by Calydia, Jun 7, 2023.

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  1. Calydia

    Calydia Forum Greenhorn

    to start, sorry for the broken english.

    After doing Dragan 70+ times (in several difficulties) and having used nearly 120 amphora keys,
    I still haven't looted the mysterious scroll of the Dragan event.

    I would like to know the loot rate of the scroll please

    I played a lot in the last 4 days to get the mysterious scroll before the end of the event and I'm desperate to still not have the scroll

    I also spent all my drakens in amphora keys to try to loot the scroll in golden amphora so I can't buy the scroll from the npc
    Is it normal to have so little luck?

    Sorry again for the spelling I don't speak the language at all.
    Thank you very much for taking your time to read and answer.
    oslecGar_022 likes this.
  2. Dragonnns

    Dragonnns Count Count

    Yes, it is normal to have bad luck with drops. I've been playing for years and years and always do the Dragan event. This is the first year I've had the scroll drop and of all the luck, it dropped from Dragan Normal.
    oslecGar_022 likes this.
  3. G-Rico

    G-Rico Junior Expert

    I personally got the scroll doing the Anniversary event, that's the best way to get it, or you can buy it with 20,000 drakens. Too bad for this year, but you can have it next year if you do the Anniversary event in October
  4. StayinFrosty

    StayinFrosty Junior Expert

    Instead of opening golden amphoras I would advise you to open the normal ones as the difference in drop chance between the two is little to none. If you have a strong character you can also try and look for donors for group dragan to save some empowered pearls and hopefully drop the mysterious scroll.

    Good luck! ;)

    FAALHAAS Forum Duke

    fixed it for you
    StayinFrosty likes this.