DTU event (DefeatUndefeatable)

Discussion in 'Event Questions' started by TheSword26, Apr 24, 2024.

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  1. TheSword26

    TheSword26 Forum Apprentice

    Hello, I have a question about the event guide I found in this forum.
    About the fearless chests, the guide (2021) shows a list of prizes that can be found in those chests, bronze/copper, silver (80 keys), heroic chests (160 keys). Is it the same for the 2024 event?

    I am asking to those players who already opened chests and can confirm items.
    What are items that can be found in merciless chests (80x4) and what about the bloodshed chests (160x4).
    I am looking for those 2 jewels with group effect.
    (that guide said jewels are in merciless chests, silver chests, and it seems strange)

    Thank you all
  2. Hokori

    Hokori Board Administrator Team Drakensang Online


    the loots from those chests are still the same as the past edition, so if you're looking for both jewels, you have to open silver chests. The chance to find one of them and their location is random, so you might find them within 2-4 chests ;)