Bug Dude, where's my anxiety shard?

Discussion in 'Technical Support' started by Jaeshaala, Jan 14, 2025.

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  1. Jaeshaala

    Jaeshaala Forum Apprentice

    King Harold sells fifty common anxiety shards for fifty community coins each, or so he says.

    I bought 100 shards (I meant to buy fifty, but I thought my first try hadn't gone through) and when I open my bag I see a grand total of nine whole common shards. And this time I payed attention to my coin numbers, they definitely went down, he's taking my money and not giving me anything in return.

    I want my shards or I want my money back.
  2. Jaeshaala

    Jaeshaala Forum Apprentice

    update: apparently these babies

    which look exactly like Common anxiety shards


    and are just labeled "anxiety shard", are actually Legendary anxiety shards. Which are supposed to have a YELLOW background.


    Exactly what I didn't need. Misleading as hell. Unless there's some way to convert them to lower rarities, I still want a refund.
    salotr likes this.

    FAALHAAS Forum Duke

    I'm pretty sure it does show its the orange shard when you hover over it. (not the background, but the name itself)

    They will most likely not refund this
  4. salotr

    salotr Forum Connoisseur

    You say there will be no refund?
    Then I think there will be reactions like this:
  5. Jaeshala

    Jaeshala Forum Apprentice

    In fairness to the support team, I have an update: I just got an email saying they refunded me. So good on them, even if it took a really long time.
  6. ccyrenne

    ccyrenne Forum Greenhorn

    Why do people want anxiety shards in the first place? summoning those anxiety shard bosses seems useless
  7. G-Rico

    G-Rico Junior Expert

    to craft dragon elixir . With dragon elixir, mortis drop bones
  8. Jaeshala

    Jaeshala Forum Apprentice

    because I had a quest I needed to cross off