Suggestion Effects of the uniques on the skills banned by the PVP

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by SurpriseMtf, May 8, 2018.

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Effects of the uniques on the skills banned by the PVP?

  1. Yes

  2. No

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  1. SurpriseMtf

    SurpriseMtf Forum Apprentice

    I thought about the PVP, and i was wondering: what is the problem in this mode?
    What really makes me nervous when i play against other players?

    And I told myself, if I can focus all that and is possible eliminate from the pvp maybe then i will have a less "stressful" pvp.

    The real problem of the PVP are the bonuses of the uniques that are given to the skills.
    An example: set q7 for the ranger allows you to shoot repeating EA.
    For other examples I think you know about it and I just give this as an example.

    Eliminating these from the pvp, this could only benefit from my humble opinion.
    My proposal in a nutshell is to limit the bonuses of the uniques in PVP, the bonuses of the uniques must have effect only on the player's statistics, and not on the skills.

    No more spam of explosive arrows, no more spam fireballs, no more spam of heavy shot, no more spammy skills like a raging scream ,thanks to the bonus of the agathon's weapon.

    So EXAMPLE: I put q7 set for ranger in PVP. I get only the fire resistance in the gloves, the resistences from the weapon and the bonus +% damage if I hit with the net, but no spam of explosive arrows.

    But if we are in PVE the set would work normally and you could take advantage of all the bonuses of the uniques you use.

    Already someone will be altering saying: ah but I am a magician how you think I can kill a tank that brings flag, if you take me off the spam of fireballs and bullets of ice.

    Well here it gets really interesting, because thanks to the elimination of all "pumped" skills, the various imbalances between the classes would be highlighted, and therefore it would be easier to fill the gaps of some classes to adapt them to others.

    Only the skills normally available, and his skill, would remain to the player.

    The pvp if it must be correct and balanced must reward both, the dedication of the player to that game, and his ability. The latter has been completely forgotten, but it is the most important thing for me. I play to show that I am the most skilled, I am astonished by watching clashes of people who use the skill at the right time in the right place, who predict the adversary and stuff like that. And not on pg that spam the whole map until they kill you.

    Without these bonus skills we can optimize the classes, and we would still be able to customize the pg with the stats that most satisfy us, but without denaturing the fulcrum of the PVP, which in my humble opinion is to be skilled in fighting, not keep the mouse button pressed.

    Let me point out defects or improvements that could be made to this proposal, and if you have doubts or take me for crazy, explain why!

    PS: srr for my english.
    PSS: maybe ive posted on wrong section :\

    --- MERGED ---

    Hi @ImmortalDeath @Bireescu007
    , can u explain your vote to all?
    Last edited by moderator: May 8, 2018
  2. alchimista

    alchimista Forum Pro

    No toggle on/off effect of unique, "just" remove unique from pvp.

    for ex. just allow T0 equipments inside arena.
  3. SurpriseMtf

    SurpriseMtf Forum Apprentice

    Just for dont misunderstand (for my bad comprehension), i talk of unique bonus that affect skills, and not of the unique visual effect.
    I didnt talk of any toggle, i just say to remove from pvp the uniques bonus that affect skills, so a mage cant spam more, a ranger cant spam dance of blades, a war cant use continuously antistun skills, and dwarf cant spam heavy shot.

    So only natural skills in arena, and the ability of the player. Together whit the time that a player passed for farm his equipment/gems/runes.

    1)Why u farm so, if u will use T0 items on pvp?
    2)Why does the inf 3/2/1 mode exist then? If i can go easily in normal mode.
  4. alchimista

    alchimista Forum Pro

    Personally I think that the biggest problem of pvp is due to the fact that all our equipments are balanced to face inf3 bosses.
    Our overhall stats are grown with a different rate of the dungeon difficulties.
    Spamming a flood of explosive arrows is necessary to face inf3 bosses. but one single shoot is enough ( most of the time ) to kill another player.

    T0 items will slow down all the players stats and also disable all the most OP-dmg-sets.

    No more raining ex arrows nor flood'o'icebolts
  5. SurpriseMtf

    SurpriseMtf Forum Apprentice

    As u say spamming a flood of EA is necessary in inf3 and not in pvp, so wy u need to keep it on PVP?

    If all need T0 items for make pvp, so why i must go farm in inf3? For do what?
    The game must reward the commitment, the farm, the skill in arranging your character and in a minor part the money put into the game.
    The use of T0 items will kill completly the farm, cause farm in high mode will be no sense.
  6. Jhinstalock

    Jhinstalock Active Author

    You bring up valid points, both of you. It's impossible to have good PVP that pleases everyone unless there are enough PVP'ers to make actual fair matches (Yes, it exists in other games!). The unique effects on items can also have a "PVP Version" in their effect descriptions, to change the spam of spells. If the scaling of stats is changed for PVP, similar to Infernal, except it affects all stats, it might help. People would still be rewarded for getting good items, but the margin would be much smaller. What I mean is a large increase in diminishing returns, and also applying it to flat values like health points.

    SurpriseMtf likes this.
  7. SurpriseMtf

    SurpriseMtf Forum Apprentice

    Lower the damage, and increase the life, the problem of incessant spam of the skills remains.
    However not bad as a starting point.
  8. Kaydranzer

    Kaydranzer Someday Author

    I think spammable skills were never the problem, its just the high damage versus the relative minor defense that causes these onehits.
  9. SurpriseMtf

    SurpriseMtf Forum Apprentice

    So you think this isnt the problem?

    Is it fair play like this?
    Or like a ranger that spam EA, or a dk that have permanent movement speed buff, or a dwarf that spam heavy shot?

    I dont think so, this guy use just 1 skill for the entire game, no strategy ,no skill, nothing.
    This isnt pvp, this is senseless skill abuse.
  10. Jhinstalock

    Jhinstalock Active Author

    That video lmao. The guy is brave for daring to show the lack of skill he possesses.
  11. Paavelsons

    Paavelsons Regular

    for saying things who have more who put money in it. pretty much have better stats. ofc played long enough to accumulate hp runes and played enough casino to win armor runes. having ballanced gear just to go play pvp with endgame gear what game offers. basicaly people are really op you go against. i see you got oneshot with scatter shot :D. but have you seen q4 set bonus.. he probably even have helmet full damage lines. and yet can have 22k crit or more.

    you as mage you can spam fireballs nonstop with low effort. you can craft decent op gear and kick theyr arses on pvp aswell. but ofc you get problem if you against centurion ;D those guys first craft decent gear when they go start playing pvp.

    but yes unfair is that everyone have diffrent value on gems expect onyx and rubys. but that doesnt give reason to come cry on forum how broken pvp is. its completly fair. its considered luck whos against you and with what stats they have.

    imagine you put to game 2k euros to have all gems maxed and enoguh luck to get runes from yesters just to kick EDIT on pvp. and boom.... people say pvp is not ballanced :D are you really joking now :D

    i came to play this game to have OP stats and kick names and take EDIT ,not to play pvp without gear pvp coming days or weeks.
    Last edited by moderator: May 8, 2018
  12. SurpriseMtf

    SurpriseMtf Forum Apprentice

    I said that i agree to pvp whitout gears?
    If ppl wont pay isnt my problem, im a payer player. But they cant come here to say that pvp whitout gears is a good thing....

    If you think that pvp is ok like that so why they (dso team) want "balance" PVP???

    PS: is better argue your speeches cause its difficult to understand you.
    Last edited by moderator: May 8, 2018
  13. Kaydranzer

    Kaydranzer Someday Author

    You dont get it. PvP was balanced back in the days when max lvl was 45. Even then, i was able to shoot 6 fireballs. The only difference was that you couldnt onehit enemies because the damage was low.

    Today i can use grimmag torso and with multiple winter gems, i can shoot about 6-7 fireballs without q7 set. So how do you want to remove spamming? You simply cant. Fireball deals 126% damage and can still onehit... mate, the only problem is the damage.

    Like i wrote in the german forum, all the sets broke the pvp, not the skills of the classes.
  14. SurpriseMtf

    SurpriseMtf Forum Apprentice

    So you agree at my speech, the sets broke the pvp not the skills(as i say before multiple times) , so instead to eliminate them from the pvp, is just necessary to limit the skills to their true nature.

    You dont use grimmag torso in pvp, cause u lost the q8 set bonus, any mage do that. So i wont enter on this topic, cause is a different argument.

    Can be helpful eliminate spam from pvp in more than 1 occasion, for example in 5v5 mages they nail on the ground, and start spam fireballs and ice bullets,at the entrance to the enemy base for dont let pass no1. And is very irritathing.
    What skills or ability is necessary on this? None.

    Dk whit agathon's set, have permanently furious scream (or idk the name), that give them antistun and +mov.speed.
    And this allow them to make what they prefere to the enemies.

    Same discourse for ranger whit gnob weapon ,or emilya shoulders, and for dwarfs too...
  15. Kaydranzer

    Kaydranzer Someday Author

    Yes i agree, but keep in mind, that you cant kill a 1h DK without triggering Q7 Set :D
  16. SurpriseMtf

    SurpriseMtf Forum Apprentice

    I agree completly, i cant.
    So the problem arent my skills but the DK class.
    In this way is more evident what is the problem, or my skills are too weak, or the dk is too OP.
    And after these observations, the DSO development team should fix the problem.
    In this specific case, either they give me more damage, or they have to decrease the defenses of the dk.
    This elimination of bonuses is ever followed by adjusting the stats of the characters for balance things well.

    What i want from pvp is that any class in game,must be able to kill any class not cause just use q7 set, or q8 set, but cause their skills allow them to kill.
    Last edited: May 8, 2018
  17. Jhinstalock

    Jhinstalock Active Author

    It's so hard to kill them because there is no armor penetration in this. 80% reduction, as well as lets say 80% reduction block, that you get 80% of the time. Thats so much mitigation that they're on average reducing your damage by 95%. Healing 2% of HP per second with that as well as more if you have a ring or two of life, and it gets hefty. I'm quite surprised that there aren't items to pierce block or armor yet. The current "armor penetration" doesn't actually penetrate armor, but reduces your multiplier, which if goes into the negatives, actually reduces your armor, but usually just gives you less bonus than before for that moment it lasts. I hope you all see the problem with the way that works too.
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