error code 37 again and again

Discussion in 'Technical Support' started by Topico, Apr 8, 2024.

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  1. Topico

    Topico Forum Apprentice

    when i try enter kaly elisium lv blood , error code 37 again and again

    server tegan ((((

    impossible playing there , pls fix it thk ))
  2. Topico

    Topico Forum Apprentice

    solve for now clearing cache
  3. Topico

    Topico Forum Apprentice

    again error code 37 after last update , impossible play for me (((( server tegan
  4. Topico

    Topico Forum Apprentice

    now server heredur error code 42 changing map ng ...
  5. Chinney

    Chinney Forum Apprentice

    add the error18.
  6. Chinney

    Chinney Forum Apprentice

    Legendary Error37 is back..
    Alpaca likes this.
  7. Topico

    Topico Forum Apprentice

    again after last update error code 37 again and again impossible play server tegan (((
  8. salotr

    salotr Forum Pro

    Do you know if the developers are doing anything to fix these problems?
    On the forum I can't find any announcement from them about this. Or do they write it on other channels?