Feedback Event Issues Still Not Resolved

Discussion in 'Event Questions' started by aretias, Nov 23, 2024.

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  1. aretias

    aretias Forum Apprentice


    The Ancient Ruins event is still not working properly. The drop rate of the parts required to unlock the event main quest is close to zero. The games trying to do the event by paying fees have become infuriating with this problem.
    1) You should seriously consider the presence of GM players on your servers.
    2) Since the event has been problematic from the beginning, you should take all the responsibility and sacrifices necessary to compensate for the loss of time and do what is necessary.
    3) As a player playing on the Werian server, I invite those who play the game, regardless of the server, not to do the event.
    This message is more than a complaint. The game developers should now accept the magnitude of the problem and take action as soon as possible to do whatever is necessary.
    Last edited by moderator: Nov 23, 2024
    cigarbennett and CaballoLoco like this.
  2. -dravin-

    -dravin- Junior Expert

    Well this event quest line is meant for long term progress.. that means it's not intended to be completed this event or this year or even next year.. it could take 2-3 years to complete.. and as far as the event itself being based around a PAY-2-PLAY mechanic doesn't in return require the Dev's to compensate any player for any time "LOST".. it's basic gaming mechanics if you want to complete the event then you must PAY.. there is nothing wrong with this mechanic many games have this same type of PAY-2-PLAY setup with almost every FREE-2-PLAY game.. just because a player doesn't like or want to PAY-2-PLAY doesn't make the setup wrong or justify the games dev's to make any effort to compensate any player for not wanting to PAY-2-PLAY.. this event is meant for lvl 100 players and you can buy 20 event passes daily from Gnob for 2000 Drakens.. so you may say I don't have enough Drakens to complete the event well the this is where the PAY-2-PLAY mechanic comes in.. so if you can't or don't want to PAY-2-PLAY this event then your just out of luck..
  3. aretias

    aretias Forum Apprentice

    My friend, I am aware that the event is completely paytowin. The point I am making is that the event does not work properly. For example, the magical bottom right piece does not drop from Khalist at all. An event where the main event quest is not done does not work properly. The game is responsible for this situation and should compensate for it.
  4. G-Rico

    G-Rico Junior Expert

    the drop rate is 0.2% apparently. Personally, I have a drop every 20 runs or so in mercyless. But it costs too many keys so personally I will wait to have the pieces as rewards with the next events
  5. Talbor

    Talbor Regular

    I'm doing the same thing. Hopefully they'll make the drop rates a little better once they're done milking the spenders for cash. It sucks that we're going to lose another 4 inventory spots for another year+ to. There's no reason that can't add these parts to the bag like other ingredients for crafting