
Discussion in 'General Archive' started by teddy.bear, Jul 14, 2015.

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  1. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Forum Ambassador

    Hello Heroes,

    The community roadmap is an overview that gives you a preview of all upcoming features per month(s).
    Our developing team has a release cycle of 3 weeks, which means you will get at least 1 release but up to 2 releases per month.
    Expect that for every month you will find a description of at least two new features.

    Please remember that this is a very early preview, it can always happen that a feature will be postponed to an later of even earlier version
    and will not always be explained. It is very normal that features shift.

    Also – keep in mind that in this preview of releases, you only see the most important features of a release that are ready to be developed.
    If a feature was previously listed and has vanished, then it is highly likely that the core design of the feature has been changed
    which means, it needs to be reviewed again before being considered ready for development.

    The very final content of a release will be revealed via the patch notes.
    The DSO moderation team will do their best to notify you when changes are happening.

    Kind regards,
    CMs Greg & Haruki and the DSO Moderation Team
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