Bug Fire guardian ice essence

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by vegetadavid, Jul 20, 2024.

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  1. vegetadavid

    vegetadavid Forum Mogul


    There seems to be a big bug with the fire guardian / ice essences.
    On Clarisse PW today, just on the blue shield she has at the start, whether in infernal or merciless mode, my guardian does very little damage.
    Yesterday it worked very well, in 2 or 3 shots the shield fell.
    And even today, on Clarisse in the “normal world”, in infernal or merciless mode, I kill her easily...

    Apparently not everyone has this problem, another mage tried it in PW and it worked for him. And as said before, yesterday it worked for me.

    Edit : Ok after few runs, this bug also happened on Clarisse in the "normal world" (The blue shield didn't broke easily and for the whole fight, the combo didn't work once)
    Really annoying...
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2024
  2. vegetadavid

    vegetadavid Forum Mogul

    Sorry for the quality, it's just the video, in game it's fluid.

    It's just to show two runs (one in merciless and the other in infernal) and you can see that the guardian's damage is unstable.
    Unless I've misunderstood a mechanic, this isn't normal.

    As I said earlier, there are runs where it works perfectly and others where it doesn't work at all (most of the time).
  3. ABC

    ABC Moderator Team Drakensang Online

    Hello :) Issues similar to these have been reported by players in the past. Some of their solutions have included casting the guardian a bit farther away from you, if you want to give that a try to start. ^^
  4. vegetadavid

    vegetadavid Forum Mogul

    Hi, thanks for the suggestion, but it doesn't seem to change anything.
    Do you know if the problem will be corrected ?
  5. Talaby

    Talaby Junior Expert

    I made Mythical Dragan to use as Fire Guardian, because I used Blood Mage and without 1 good set I died solo even without enemy attack. It was just shooting and shooting that life would fall until it kills me. Set done I tried and again I dying solo. Because the mana when I cast the guardian disappeared all and was difficult to regenerate. I ran after Grimag's armor. Endless attempts I got level 135, ran 1 more and got to level 145. at 92% mana and 150% regeneration. I thought I had solved the question. nothing. he died the same way. I ran up gems and runes for health, mana, and ability regeneration. all in legendary. And yet if I play the Fire Keeper before on Kalys. It consumes all the mana, life does not regenerate or skills, it consumes 1 interval of 20 seconds that I have to keep running so as not to be attacked by the waves of the underworld or by her. Because if I stop I die. I believe they nerfed my wizard. And the only stones that are not legendary are the ones that you have to join 3 to make 1 with different powers, however they are imperial. phase 1, then comes extraordinary and finally legendary. Detail: I started using the mana setting even with Grimag's armor on the character. and I lost damage with Grey Normal Essence Blood Mage the damage is 500% with the mana setting drops to 443%. And I can't even kill more bosses in bloody mode. without having to use blue+. I killed soil with normal gray essence. Either it's a bug, or they nerfed his character as well.
  6. Talbor

    Talbor Regular

    I play Ranger, but I've noticed my stats randomly drop at least twice that I can remember if the past few months. First time I had a helmet with good damage & I leveled up the rubies in it and added better damage enchants, but after finishing I ended up having less damage.

    Second time was this past week or so, when I used a purple advanced physics of precision & purple tonic of precision I could get my crit upto ~76%, but last week or so it only took it to ~68% when using the same 2 buffs. I had the same pet both times & no other differences, so don't know if things are getting nerfed or if it's bugs, but feels more like nerfs since they stay that way.
  7. dkarl

    dkarl Forum Duke

    Are you already level 100 or still leveling? If the latter, note that the Critical Value percent you're seeing in the Character window is relative to the mobs at your level. So, as you move from level 78 to level 79, you're fighting tougher monsters and if you don't increase the crit absolute value in the meantime, your crit value compared to the newer, stronger level 79 mobs is relatively weaker.

    Apologies if you already knew this and are seeing an actual bug ...
  8. vegetadavid

    vegetadavid Forum Mogul

    To be verified, but the guardian seems to function normally if summoned very close to you.