Flawed Gems 'scuse me

Discussion in 'Questions about Getting Started in the Game' started by CeBaoth, Jan 28, 2019.

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  1. CeBaoth

    CeBaoth Forum Greenhorn

    'Scuse me, but maybe I missed it in the new game info - but when I go to the jeweler, to combine gems - I don't see the option for flawed gems of any kind. I have then in my bag and I see they are still for sale. I did the first set of three quests in Kingshill, still nogo. How do I combine flawed gems? Thanks.
  2. User330K

    User330K Junior Expert

    Use the wokpad.

    At jeweller swap to workpad... Just put it in ;)

    Butfirst do the quests related to gem crafting in Kingshill...
  3. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    That is because you craft Splintered Gems with Flawed Gems... you don't see a recipe for Flawed Gems because you don't craft Flawed Gems. You use them as ingredients in the Splintered recipe.
  4. CeBaoth

    CeBaoth Forum Greenhorn

    Ok, Got it! TA for you help guys :)