Future Improvement: Cosmetic appearance page

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Multi-Sev, Feb 25, 2014.

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Do you like the idea?

Poll closed Mar 25, 2014.
  1. Yes please, I like variety

  2. No thanks, change upsets me

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  1. Multi-Sev

    Multi-Sev Forum Overlooker

    My brother and I have been talking about this for a long time, so I've finally decided to make a thread about it. The idea is fairly simple and I'm sure some of you players have seen this, or something like this, in other games. The implementation would take some programming work, but I think it would be worth it in the long run.

    The idea is to have a second tab on the character inventory which contains an appearance page. This page would not have additional storage except for the visible slots on a character. Into these slots you could insert equipment which would only show up visibly. With this system in place you could keep your high-enchantment legendary and unique things equipped, but you could look any way you like. You could equip lower-level equipment to "hide" your functional equipment. Also, if preferred, you could use things like the vendor equipment for appearance. Some of that equipment looks pretty cool, but most of it really is not worthy of an end-game character.

    OK, so a person might ask where the motivation is to do this. I have a few points to make regarding that:

    • Being able to look almost any way you like would draw some older players back to the game who had become tired of looking like everyone else
    • BigPoint could create new equipment, sold for Andermant, which is purely cosmetic; these could look realistic-to-totally-fantastic, to suit a variety of tastes
    • Finally, it would just be nice to not look like the three or four other people standing around you. Colored dyes are alright, but this would be much better
    If this project would be costly in programmer-hours, why not crowd-fund it? Put it on Kickstarter, or one of those types of websites. I'm sure that some of the people who pay a lot to play would be happy to fund something like this if they get to have an original look! BigPoint would then have plenty of cash to pay their current programmers overtime, or hire additional programmers.

    I'm not saying this should be considered immediately, if at all. By all means, fix the bugs that have been plaguing the game before attempting something new of this magnitude.

    As a side note, while I'm thinking about it, I think you should be able to preview dyes and equipment on your character without actually buying them. For example, create an area (a "changing" room) connected to each vendor where a player can go and try out dyes and equipment without actually purchasing them. Then, once the player has the look they want, they can buy what they want without fear of it not looking the way they thought it would look. I can't count the number of times the dye I bought didn't look the way I thought it would even after checking the wiki for the approximate color. Many pieces of equipment seem to change the shade of each dye color. That really wastes Andermant sometimes. If that's part of the plan, then kudos on that (I guess...). If not, a (free) preview would be nice.

    Anyway, that's the idea in a nutshell. Many of the points should be credited to my brother but he doesn't really use the forums so I wrote this for both of us. I may have forgotten a detail or two. If so, I will add to or revise this as needed.

    Thanks for reading,


    p.s. This idea could be used as one of the upcoming knowledge tree additions.
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2014
  2. Kurfo

    Kurfo Junior Expert

    i was thinking for something like that too, but didnt know how to explain it :) you said it very clear :) very, very good idea .... vote with an YES :)
    Multi-Sev likes this.
  3. Multi-Sev

    Multi-Sev Forum Overlooker

    Thank you, we appreciate your support!
  4. soxx101

    soxx101 Forum Connoisseur

    You would still look like others, you always will when there is not enough variety to wear.. Lack of dyes there are not enough, so we all pick mostly the same...
    Even with the costumes,there is no store for them only the gnob when he finally makes an appearence.There is lack of variety there too with the costumes..
    If the dev's are stopping everything at lev 45 then you would have thought that more would have been added to keep it interesting and people playing, just to get stuff...
    Instead of adding the facebook login, which i would never use for taking part playing any online games they could have put a little more effort into items.....

    Always A Pleasure
    multitoonz likes this.
  5. _Dragonscale_

    _Dragonscale_ Advanced

    I agree with you. There should be something like a "wardrobe" to wear our coolest items, without having to unequip our legendary or unique armor. I also liked the preview idea, it would be nice to test the armor/dye before buying it. Instead of a changing room, I would like to preview the equipment in my inventory window, with only ctrl-clicking the icon of an item. But this is only my opinion :).
  6. Multi-Sev

    Multi-Sev Forum Overlooker

    That would work fine, too. Any way to get a real look at the item/color, without having to buy it first, would be better than what is there now :)
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