Feedback Game Freeze During Map Load

Discussion in 'Technical Support' started by psywarg, Nov 1, 2020.

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  1. psywarg

    psywarg Forum Apprentice

    Client Release: 244_11 (32-bit/64-bit)
    Server: All Live Servers

    The map load time (draw that happens after the black "Connection is being established" window) has been slow lately and in my testing I found that the process "dro_client.exe"(32/64) stops responding for few seconds during this time.

    My machine is well above the minimum requirements to run this game.
    For the sake of troubleshooting I installed vanilla Windows with latest drivers and a fresh download of game on an SSD. Then I collected Perfmon data during the issue and I do not see any bottlenecks on my machine, which makes me think that the issue could be caused by bad code, and most probably its the code for draw call that happens between CPU and GPU.

    The issue happens on any resolution and with any graphic setting combination (off/low/high) on windowed or full screen mode.

    I would also like to mention that the map load time used to be slow before too but things just been degrading from past six months and now we are at a point that its really bad.

    Please look into it at your nearest convenience. Thank you.
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2020
  2. Shine2

    Shine2 Board Administrator Team Drakensang Online

    Hello psywarg and welcome to DSO EN Forums. Thank you very much for your well written and detailed post. It will be included in our next reports. Also, if you wish you could report the same to the Support - I always believe in the saying :" the more , the merrier";

    kind regards;
  3. Dovek

    Dovek Forum Apprentice

    Wanted to make new thread but found this one and i think it will fit here so. Few months ago me and couple of players had an issue with infinite loading loop while changing maps and everyone ignored it so i took a break. Yesterday just being curious i decided to check what is up and guess what? All i can see is this dwarf swinging his hands around on gray background. its A LOT worse to the point i am unable to even see the map i am standing on after numerous restarts... as i left it for the night to see is it truly loop - woke up to 3 digit GB data downloaded, the game loaded but continued to drain more as all of my actions had no effect. This happens only on my main char not the small lvl ones. My fully expanded chest+inventory is filled with useless things from times of lvl 40 but i doubt it matters and i do not want to sell them (quite the best dso time). Possible solution: add more $$ packs, prettier attires, $$ mounts, pets, skins but for the love of god DO NOT let your coders touch the code :confused:
  4. gintarszb

    gintarszb Junior Expert

    I have similar problems ,my pc not new too (q8400 cpu ,4gb ram ,gf 750ti, 500gb 7200 hdd, xf-i titanium, win10 pro 64x), but i'm not have these problems in 2019. I even installed into the new hdd fresh windows for testing purposes, sadly no changes. My typical time to change map is 20sec +. I contacted support two times . But until now after some maintenances and releases no positive changes or any news after "we are investigating". And this problems no one month old- half year... I installed other online games...and i have zero problems here when changing locations. I tested game with friend laptop i5 6gb ram and sdd - I have 10+ sec ...but than game worked ok I have 3-5 sec to change map with my pc which almost same old as this game. Did developers changed something In game code and forgot about old pc ? Or just servers working bad...? if that what happens when CE will be released?

    Server Grimmag , tested on Heredur, same result.
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2020
  5. cigarbennett

    cigarbennett Board Analyst

    All I know it has got worse not better. Teddy Bear poste an official announcement about it October 8 and still they have not resolved the issue. Several friends today have just given up and have not been logging on, or can't log on. No one wants to wait 2-3 min for a map to load.
  6. silverseas

    silverseas Count Count

    Tegan server here. Same issue, and significantly worse as of this morning. It wasn't as bad yesterday.
  7. cigarbennett

    cigarbennett Board Analyst

    Lmao, I been sitting waiting for kat to load the map five min now. lol
  8. psywarg

    psywarg Forum Apprentice

    Hello Shine2,
    As advised on this thread ( I have created Ticket#2020110237000637 and sent the logfiles to the support.

  9. edrogers58

    edrogers58 Regular

    So I was having lag issues on Agathon server screen not loading.
    Log out of game.
    Go to log in and the client is now downloading again for some reason.
    There is something totally wrong with the Thin Client.
    This game says free to play in your Browser, the Thin Client is not a Browser it is something you need o download.
    Don't care who owns this game now but the false advertisement really needs to stop.
  10. Kiwigal1244

    Kiwigal1244 Active Author

    Horrendous game issues whilst attempting to load, enter or exit game, makes for a very *unpleasant* experience. :D
    cigarbennett likes this.
  11. Ged_Test

    Ged_Test Forum Greenhorn

    Yup, the Tegan server is doomed . I believe it began this year in March since then maps are loading a few minutes. Sometimes I can't even see other players on the dungeon map I hope that after CE will DSO team pay attention to this server problems, because it is just a horrible, unplayable condition.
    Please please, I love this game, I am playing it since elementary school, (and... that is a while ago), make sure you won't forget about it.
  12. jeffzrx

    jeffzrx Padavan

    same for me on Tegan & it's getting worse

    completely removed then reloaded all game files including client as support recommended with no effect on problem

    it has to be a server issue!!!!!
    Kiwigal1244 likes this.