"Ghost's Holiday Outfit (30 days)" disappeared from inventory

Discussion in 'Technical Support' started by russsslan90, Nov 6, 2024.

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  1. russsslan90

    russsslan90 Forum Greenhorn

    Hello, I made a purchase of the "Ghost Holiday Outfit(30 days)", the outfit was added to the inventory and successfully activated, but the next day the activation of the outfit was deleted and the outfit disappeared from my inventory. Technical support has not responded to my requests for the third day, I ask for help
  2. Talbor

    Talbor Regular

    If you use Discord I would try asking there. It's a lot more active than the forums now, so you should get faster help/advice there. I hope you get it fixed, good luck!4
  3. russsslan90

    russsslan90 Forum Greenhorn

    Thanks for the hint, I'll try