Suggestion Gold/Silver/Bronze PvP League

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by alchimista, May 4, 2018.

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  1. alchimista

    alchimista Forum Pro

    For those brave enough : Prove your pvp abilities to whole community Nice slogan, isn't it ?

    As stated on opening 3D : the idea is to build up a PvP league, with rewards.

    As from Grand Marshall to Centurion, pvp means ( now ) nothing more than a head-banner.
    ( ATM the pvp leaderboards meets all the pvp players active or not from first to last )
    No terms of comparision exept of pvp endurance.

    The higher rank you are ( and league from bronze, to silver to gold ), the highesr will be your reward after a round.
    League access is daily : as for daily quest reroll ( league will have auto update ) so next day you could go up, from silver to gold or fall down from silver to bronze as well.

    Some points to work togheter can be :

    Rewards are weekly , so thou must prove your weekly endurance to achieve the first place.

    Rewards as PVP cores that let you access to a full brand new pvp only set.

    Each league is set apart from the other : eg be Gold in 1vs1 do not confer you gold in 3vs3 league.

    New pvp costumes.
    New pvp mounts .
    New pvp crown. ( after 5k wins or 10k wins )
    New pair of decorative boots ( like the allready existing 1.000 kills crown ) that grants an 5% extra movement speed. Maybe rewards with 100+100+100+100 ( 1vs1+3vs3+5vs5+6vs6 ) highest match kills ratio ?


    2 clear different kind of SETS:

    PVE sets , with activations skills only in PVE ( as they are now )

    PVP sets craftable only with pvp cores and only usable in pvp

    So a complete brand new generation of sets.

    Suggestions and improvements are welcome.
    Take flame posts for your own.
    Last edited: May 4, 2018
  2. Shiro

    Shiro Padavan

    not really :D

    But I like the suggestion. The only "problem" would be the still existing useless twinks :eek:
  3. alchimista

    alchimista Forum Pro

    One possible solutions will be : leaderboards access only for 55 lvl.

    You still be able to earn pvp points but with no access to leagues.

    lvl 39 grand marshall = yes, but merely a title
    Shiro likes this.
  4. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    I don't think the arena will survive with the announced changes.
    therefore ... no one cares about any LBs which will only be a good boost to gangbangers ... as usual.
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