help me, i cant get in "Block Page"

Discussion in 'Technical Support' started by Conde_Zamo, Aug 16, 2024.

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  1. Conde_Zamo

    Conde_Zamo Forum Greenhorn

    can u help me what to do?
    i just play last night

    aday i got this when i type my account and passsword then i go in Entry and nothing
    please support help me


    hughoz likes this.
  2. ccyrenne

    ccyrenne Forum Greenhorn

    I have the same issue
  3. jc8632022

    jc8632022 Forum Greenhorn

    i am able to log into agathon server
  4. jeffzrx

    jeffzrx Padavan

    i was blocked from both game & forum LOL game came back just after DQ started

    Sorry, your request is a suscipious threat to the website and blocked by the defense system.
    Please contact the system administrator to whitelist your access if it is a false positive.
  5. Talbor

    Talbor Regular

    Same here until about 8 pm EST. According to Discord they had a DDoS attack so it took them awhile for some areas.