Discussion in 'General Forum' started by usuariopeludo, Aug 23, 2023.

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  1. usuariopeludo

    usuariopeludo Forum Greenhorn

    Hello, I've been playing for a long time since dark legacy started, that is, from level 100, I've spent a lot of money and many multi-tools, from here I ask you to please do some kind of event or raise the % of the jewel of ingredients. I am looking forward to your response
    Darkness90 and cigarbennett like this.
  2. cigarbennett

    cigarbennett Board Analyst

    Hello,,, YES!!!! They need to do something to increase the odds for the jewel of the ingredient hunter. I have been playing near 11 years and never seen such an unfair drop rate. It was easier to get a Level 40 predator 10 years ago.

    Edited 8/23/2023 5:21pm MST

    @dravin said: took me 7 years to aquire 3/3 ingredient jewels.

    It took you 7 years???? Glowing cave was added with R247 February 2021.
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2023
  3. Darkness90

    Darkness90 Junior Expert

    I used more than 15k broken multitools (all the time in normal mode), spent around 240k in summer lucky bags and now don't remember but probably i tried my luck in other event reward chests, results: 0. If i try more effort i'll implode. don't worry @usuariopeludo (yes, it's a nickname... moderators, don't censured it too), you aren't alone ;):)

    I should remember to "veteran players", this jewell is here from CE (2020) around
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2023
    cigarbennett likes this.
  4. selvatika

    selvatika Forum Greenhorn

    hello, yes it is true, moreover it is also embarrassing the fact that the boss is found randomly. I am also asking for help for the lucky jewel with gems, everyone in the guild has found it, and I am still here trying to find it by the occasions. I hope the whole server didn't find it too! These two jewels are more important than others but with this droprate it becomes really frustrating.
    cigarbennett likes this.
  5. Talaby

    Talaby Junior Expert

    Swinging in the drops of the game would be very interesting. I say the same for anderments (with legendary rune equipped), the lucky cat (with bronze cat of escort) ends the event the luck of the smuggler and does not fall the silver cat, the fire lion, the rat king and the sophisticated rat of the event contaminated sewers, the ingredients to make the essence of the event contaminated sewers fall disproportionately, The spheres of light and the spheres of the desert event of essences fall unevenly as well. Overall balance in the single items and the yellow spell items, however what should really be taken into consideration by the devs is the high ping that appears just as it is finishing race in the Boss cave, when it returns to normal the item disappeared and lost the entrance. In my opinion the look at the game has to be deep. Many other questions could be raised here. At the moment prioritizing the drops would help a lot.