Suggestion Ideas

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by anderson92acs, Jul 15, 2022.

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  1. anderson92acs

    anderson92acs Forum Apprentice

    Hello, I will present a series of ideas to improve the entertainment of the advanced audience in the game:
    1- Increase game difficulty
    2- Explore more of the content of the new Cardhun suburb maps.
    3- The endgame is all about climbing Grimmastone and cultivating bloodshed, Is that all?
    4- Explore the blood shield of the bosses in the new difficulty, blood aura that causes us huge instant and lasting damage.
    5- New boss abilities such as the Wendigo's ultimate ability, the Herald's area explosion and the Khalys mechanic that we need to shelter in the circles on the ground for a few seconds.
    6- Map with blood fog that causes damage per second, for example on the first floor of the dungeon the blood fog damage is 10k, on the second floor it is 20k and on the top floor it is 30k damage per second.
    7- Remove health regeneration from players inside the boss room.(THE NEW DIFFICULTY)
    8- Build a tower similar to the Sands of Malice expansion, with semi-impossible difficulty levels to complete. With an elite 2.0 enemy with an elemental upgrade, fire/poison/ice/lightning aura, that deals long term damage.
    9- Where is the Dragon in the game? In the main campaign and side missions we see stories and reports about the Dragon (Draken) but in practice we only defeat a dragon cub (Balor) and a hybrid (Herald).
    10- Bring BALOR boss to the Underworld.
    11- Rephrase the contaminated sewers event, it's a waste of data/time to hunt worms around Drakania.
    12- New mystical items from each expansion.
    lvl40 Amon items
    lvl45 set of darkness
    lvl50 Ancient Dragan -->OK. thank you so much!
    lvl55 witch Hunter
    13- I still think the regeneration of all races is too abundant for ENDGAME. Not to mention the runes and gems (event gem -defeat the Invincibles), I suggest some nerf at higher difficulties, to maintain the challenge rating.
    14- Perhaps a shared knowledge tree system for all characters on the account, this would provide us with playing with all classes and more fun.
    15- It would be interesting to increase the amount of points per skill, but not overdoing some of these skills. Armor breaks and stamina are much higher than expected, this makes the game without challenge, even a MIDGAME player can beat all levels of difficulty without making any effort.
    Feel free to give your opinion and make observations.
  2. phoenixDEgheata

    phoenixDEgheata Forum Greenhorn

    Pro for nuber 9, we need see THE FATHER DRAGON
  3. ResilienzaItalia

    ResilienzaItalia Forum Greenhorn

    I too want something:
    1 - DECREASE game difficulty,
    2 - cut away the shield of the monster you created with stupid egg' event and from that monster have it (hateful),
    3 - delete in any place the "black running death" is AWFUL and make me lose precious points (i hate them),
    4 - in any event i need to find the EVENT'S ITEMS. I NEVER cannot find. In the long buggy quests TOO !
    You never put yourself in the dress of real player, true ? Some example: kalodoro tickets: ARE IMPOSSIBLE TO FIND! Why ?
    5 - This guy is mad. Read what writes "6- Map with blood fog that causes damage per second, for example on the first floor of the dungeon the blood fog damage is 10k, on the second floor it is 20k and on the top floor it is 30k damage per second" DO YOU WITH RAISIND DIFFICULTY. i hate difficulty. Game must be pleasant not difficult. Life is difficult. I don't want the evening game too ...
    6 - the chat is AWFUL. Copy and paste when ?
    7 - The non existent quest of ammon that ask to fight mortis in the judgement arena ... where is ? delete it!
    8 - in any map i want see where are monsters, items i lost, and a counter of remaining monster.
    9 - Solve all impossible paths ... when i chose tracking many time there isn't ...
    10 - if i write all bugs have this .......... game ... i must fullfill a book. The book of bugs. Put your super developer in a room, and solve all bugs.
    11 - invest money. Server have lags everytime. Buy ram and only ships ...
    Now i stop here.
    Tronco_Vaaaa likes this.
  4. anderson92acs

    anderson92acs Forum Apprentice

    I understand beginners' frustration, but I said "ADVANCED AUDIENCE". My suggestions are for ENDGAME players. Create new maps for players who currently only have two choices (farm hellpass and farm blood chests).
  5. danielcarol3

    danielcarol3 Someday Author

    I want to know what they mean by difficulty in the game

    The developers if they exist and can be called humans are more than demons who want to see us suffer and that the game is more repetitive than one getting up every morning, the only thing they understand by difficulty is to put more pv and damage to the monsters no more challenges that make the experienced gameplay difficult but not so far from the known, they do not add anything else, there are more monsters that occupy the entire map that regenerate their life if you do not spend there are no interactive elements, external objects that help to beat the bugs or take advantage of the environment none of that the difficulty in drakensag is just more bugs, pv, dmg and everything as a team is boring and repetitive also burns the player.

    Beware of all these improvements based on what developers can do to avoid burning them abruptly, most of them are mechanics and codes that already exist.

    1. yes but with new abilities or slight modifications of the bugs not putting more bugs with more life and damage is cheap, bland and easy difficulty.
    2. second the motion
    3. add more variety of activities that you can do in the game such as daily collection, investments, farms, costumes that require materials to create them, etc.
    4. reduce the progress bars or at least divide it into several segments for many days (it's absurd and the rewards are worth less than what you turn around)
    5. new mechanic where bosses or monsters use different skills to identify which one does more damage to be recorded and use it repeatedly changing the player's tactics
    6. change the junk and inventory items for one based on weight (and the mounts that serve as new storage) and not by slots (obviously keeping all the improvements up to which you could make) in this way it allows you to remove a tremendous amount of gems useless and reducing by a rating of three or four.
    7. in favor of environment mechanics which pose a problematic situation for the player but also that can be used for the opposite side, taking the example of fog that does not affect the player's health but strengthens the enemy as well as does not allow see or the opponents (not even by putting the mouse at random) making you more attentive and in continuous movement added more interactive elements dissipate it and thus be able to kill the bugs
    8- taking point 7 instead of eliminating the regeneration so it is better to include it as a new boss ability and how it affects varies based on the selected level.
    9- impossible for the developers to implement it, they only know how to put the same thing with more pv and dms with lousy rewards and the only good thing would be to kill bugs, which can already be done outside the tower (the aura supports it but I prefer better to apply debuffs like loss of speed, damage, movement, etc.)
    10- Nobody is interested in the history of the game, there is not a thread to follow, much less an objective to follow, nor is there a villain who makes you want to do things to him, it is not that the story can be improved, but given the current situation, there is doubt that the improve
    11- point 10 seems good to me but it depends on what things give to make you want to farm it
    12- point 14 is good
    13- new system of clans where you can contribute members where at the end of a week you can get what you invested with certain extra % in two ways: the individual and the whole clan, thus eliminating the cats and favoring the community in wanting to make clans outside of the specific equipment
    but lose the grace of the classes also you would have to adjust all the skills of the other classes
    14- new blocking mechanic with the right mouse, you can block the enemy's attack or reduce its damage
    15- that the number of items dropped be readjusted 1 mythical, 1 unique, 1 legendary, 4 extraordinary, 16 magical and 32 improved for each region not with fixed bases but with % with individual and set bonuses and without a fixed level to carry it during the entire adventure and change them for some better ones based on the difficulty entered but that is if bosses are difficult to beat as in sekiro.
    (they really get to make a variety of choices not all need to be broken just one set or item but the choice that is infamous today)
    Last edited by moderator: Jul 16, 2022
    anderson92acs likes this.
  6. Talbor

    Talbor Regular

    I'd just like to see new maps, monsters & equipment!
  7. Mightyposeidon

    Mightyposeidon Forum Apprentice

    Nice topic!
    Don't think they're reacting to this!
    But would like to see more different events
    anderson92acs likes this.