Bug Invisible Priests

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by OldButGoldDrakensang, Nov 24, 2022.

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  1. OldButGoldDrakensang

    OldButGoldDrakensang Forum Greenhorn

    Last edited: Nov 24, 2022
    Lop likes this.
  2. Aruzyolcusu

    Aruzyolcusu Forum Greenhorn

  3. Pingyurka

    Pingyurka Forum Greenhorn

    yes...but they can see you :)
  4. jelbeat

    jelbeat Regular

    Same here. They are a bit visible: as u watch closely u see a moving cloud if u got near them. But u can't aim at that cloud, it can be done however by hitting the cloud with a bow (if ur a ranger afc). :rolleyes:
  5. biplob92

    biplob92 Forum Greenhorn

    I have the same problem too
  6. Mirak1993

    Mirak1993 Forum Apprentice

    Yes, I also have that problem, before you could see the priests
  7. JarFall2000

    JarFall2000 Forum Apprentice

    its been 2 months now

    FAALHAAS Forum Duke

    Pretty sure they tried to use the models to make a new monster, but forgot to back-up the original file. They screwed it up, thats 100% sure....theres no reason to leave such error ingame for so long :)
    Xequarth likes this.