
Discussion in 'General Forum' started by naharabiya, Jan 23, 2025.

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  1. naharabiya

    naharabiya Forum Greenhorn

    Hello everyone!
    I want to ask you, how many levels of an item can a character use above his level? I can't find the exact information in the forum... If it's not for this section, I apologize for that.
  2. Dafuq101

    Dafuq101 Forum Greenhorn

    45 levels
  3. salotr

    salotr Forum Connoisseur

    Go ahead and delete replies that "in your mind" are off topic.
    It's clear that interventions that concern something that is not good in the game, especially on the pvp side, bother you and therefore are promptly deleted. You have proven this several times.

    Another thing that is clear is that it's easier for you to delete, ignore and move on........... indeed, rather than moving forward you are going backwards.

    Off topic messages can be found in almost every discussion, but your only interest is to delete only the ones that really bother you.
    Therefore, this message will also be promptly deleted.
  4. Hokori

    Hokori Board Administrator Team Drakensang Online

    Looks like you took it personally for some reason, and you are wrong for 2 reasons starting from my first sentence;

    You often comment any thread without a real answer for someone else questions, resulting in off topic many times.

    Lastly, you should watch your manners since I'm not working "based on my mind", but I'm applying the rules, and everyone should stick with them, you included.

    I'll leave your complain here as a reminder, so you can remember the rules :rolleyes:
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2025
    Talbor and salotr like this.
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