Feedback January/February 2025: Events Feedback

Discussion in 'Discussions on Current Topics' started by Melethainiel, Jan 4, 2025.

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  1. Melethainiel

    Melethainiel Team Leader Team Drakensang Online

    Dear Heroes of Dracania!

    You can use this thread to share your feedback regarding the current in game events. Positive or negative, constructive criticism and ideas for improvements are, as always, welcomed. Please keep discussions on topic.​

    If you are unsure what sort of feedback is being asked for, please read this thread.
    Any off-topic posts/pointless rants will be deleted.
    Best Regards,
    Your Drakensang Online Team.
    salotr likes this.
  2. Glumon

    Glumon Forum Greenhorn

    RoR event - mid game rewards, end game reqs

    All difficiluties cost same 24 entrances essences :/
    Longer progress bar, but shorter event than last time
    Fatal difficulty needs about 600 runs to finish progress + 600+ runs to farm entrances - if 1 run for solo mid game with farm entrances is 6min , its totally 60hrs

    All top tier players have JoR , but mid game have almost no chance to get it from event.

    Another ruined event
    sony, Talbor and salotr like this.
  3. salotr

    salotr Forum Connoisseur

    I think some events are for players who are already level 100 and have the appropriate equipment.
    And if not at level 100, but at least at a fairly high level and always well equipped.
  4. G-Rico

    G-Rico Junior Expert

    Frozen shield event is worthless. Only mini bosses give progress. Bosses and mobs don't give any progress, so stupid
    Talbor and salotr like this.
  5. Lambrusco

    Lambrusco Board Analyst

    We should receive more code to make us up for this... what about that DSO?
    Talbor and salotr like this.
  6. salotr

    salotr Forum Connoisseur

    It's not a bad idea and maybe they have thought of the same thing.
    Lambrusco likes this.
  7. Talbor

    Talbor Regular

    1. Not sure what you did to the RoR event bosses & but I can't even do Merciless solo, not even close. I'm using stronger essence, but still struggling with some of the bosses on Infernal. I had hoped to finally get the JoR this time, but don't see that happening because I can't do groups with the insane lag. The majority of rewards are horrible to. If these are an upgrade for the increased progress bars then I'd seriously hate the see what they where originally!

    2. Also, way too many frigging events running concurrently!!! I get that you're hoping to force people into buying the event cloaks, but the majority who buys them would likely buy them anyway. You piling multiple events on top of one another, especially during the holidays, is too much unless maybe you're a kid or have zero-life requirements except to play Drakensang.

    3. Give more in-game info for crafting items in the progress bars! We shouldn't have to go searching the forums or other places online just to find info that should already be in the game! You could add it like the tooltips when you hover over the item. A good example is where I focused on completing the BigPaws portion of the event first since the rewards looked better (for me), so I didn't finish the first 2 Kranparus events because I figured those pieces made another mount or something useless to me. If I'd known they where needed to craft that jewel then I would've focused on that. Now I have everything except the two of that first piece from the first couple events.
    Alpaca, bibere, sony and 1 other person like this.
  8. itaitai

    itaitai Forum Apprentice

    Totally agree.
    I am 1 year player. I could play winter event on Infernal and even merci (the boss took too much time) on solo, but here, in rocket event I can only fatal... and need help from stronger player that almost no one playing this because the cost of tickets (24 per enterance).
    Alpaca and salotr like this.
  9. salotr

    salotr Forum Connoisseur

    Maybe you need stronger gear for infernal.
    If the rewards suck, don't think about it, play to pass the time without necessarily expecting a valuable reward.

    As for people with zero-life or kids who have time, don't think about them.
    Think for yourself, play every now and then and as I said before without expecting anything of value.
    Because if we always or almost always expect valuable rewards, most of the time we could be dissatisfied.
  10. Marsicanus

    Marsicanus Forum Veteran

    The baby machines in this event have always been tough to kill (lightning build can help) but this year the genius:
    - Enhanced the defensive attributes of the Machine Babies in Professor Jullov's Laboratory map.
    - Increased the amount of traps in Professor Jullov's Laboratory map.
    - Increased the event progress amount and boosted the rewards (?!?).
    Since the runs needed to complete the event have doubled and consequently the times to do so and the times to collect the mixtures have doubled ALMOST NO endgame maxed character intends to waste time and resources (time, essences and infernal passages) for ridiculous rewards so the "new players" who need the "jewel of rage" have a very hard time receiving help. The genius could put jewel at the end of bar IV (80.000 progress)
    Also consider that the genius have put a new challenge of the Christmas event in the same period and this also requires a lot of time and runs to finish it.
    IMO I consider both events useless
    Alpaca, bibere, Talbor and 2 others like this.
  11. salotr

    salotr Forum Connoisseur

    I consider events as something to be done very calmly and only after reaching level 100.
    To me nothing changes If an event is related to the continuation of the quests that are part of the game and without its completion it's not possible to continue.

    I will do the event according to the time I have available and if I don't make it, well, never mind.
    I will start again when I can and always playing calmly.
    Alpaca likes this.
  12. Talbor

    Talbor Regular

    I ran the Xmas event in Bloodshed solo, so it's not a gear issue.

    The point of doing an event is expecting something of value or why else would you waste time/resources on it?

    Since this is a feedback thread then it is relevant to point out the "zreo-life/kids with free time" issue considering how many events they're running at the same time. It's just a money-grab hoping people will buy attires to speed it up.
    Alpaca, sony and salotr like this.
  13. salotr

    salotr Forum Connoisseur

    I agree with you when a player think to get a major reward from an event.
    But, if there are no adequate rewards, well, never mind, I continue to play but without doing that event anymore.
    And about money-grab, even for that I agree with you.
    Alpaca and sony like this.
  14. sony

    sony Forum Greenhorn

    RoR - too much time wasted for farming oil mixture , decreases the amount of oil on each difficulty.

    Frozen Field - 3 bosses worthless on the map , without progress. Now days, gives more progress the amphoras you find on the map then the bosses.
    Alpaca, bibere and salotr like this.
  15. EmilyRose

    EmilyRose Forum Duke

    about Frozen Field.
    Why the 3 bosses are without progress?
    After I got the mount from the quest, I was forced to run and jump without killing the bosses to finish the event quickly...
    Alpaca and bibere like this.
  16. Sprokkel

    Sprokkel Active Author

    In short, winter cave was already screwed up by the developers, I didn't get much out of it, half of the bonus codes didn't even work.
    Winter event is fun, but not in combination with so many events at the same time because then many players who haven't cheated on everything will come out, they can't complete a single event because you simply don't have enough time. As long as Jewel of Fortune has been in the game, I have never seen 1 out of hundreds of jewel chests. Many other players who do have them get an acceleration of making shiny dust because of it. I don't think I'm going to buy such a jewel with real money, it's a money grab and manipulation of the game. But this is an example of players who are falling behind compared to the stronger players.
    Frozen Field; nice change but takes way too much time to complete it. Rocket Event used to be fun to play but that time is over, I don't like it anymore, it has been made way too difficult. If the developers want to lose DSO players, keep it up. The worst thing of all, I think, is that events are related to each other, like the Ancestral ruins are linked to the upcoming BGH.
    Players who can't complete the Ancestral ruins for the most part are 'Excluded' from playing the BGH.
    DSO, you are trying to fool your own players, who you rely on. Just scratch your head why you would do that. Players who have been loyal to playing DSO for years, are getting a stab in the back from you. You are ruining the entire DSO game in this way. You are going to manipulate the game in the hope that the less strong players will buy. There is not a hair on my head that thinks about that, no way. At the same time you are slowly helping to destroy DSO. I challenge you to treat every player, strong or weak, equally and to make developments in the game based on that, and not to exclude a certain group from certain events.
    If you do that, you are working on developing one of the most unfair games there is. Based on all the above, your players have real lives besides DSO which also takes up a lot of time so stop with this Tsunami of events. IT`S TO MUCH !
    Alpaca, deni, jelbeat and 1 other person like this.
  17. Talbor

    Talbor Regular

    You people really need to rethink how you're handling these yearly events. I get wanting to make RoR more difficult (up to a point), but you went way, way, way too overboard on it! Now I'm guessing most of us who had been waiting another year to finally get that JoR are going to have to wait another full year & HOPE you don't screw it up again before we have another chance to get it! I highly doubt the guys who can do it on Bloodshed now even need that jewel. You're getting too greedy & you're going to end up losing more players because of it. I know with the current state of things I wouldn't recommend the game to anyone anymore.

    I finally found a group to let me try Bloodshed out & even though I could solo Bloodshed on the last couple events, I couldn't do anything except get one-shot by those fireworks with almost 3 mil hp's. What a crap event!

    That or don't put such important items behind a once-a-year event.
    Alpaca and deni like this.
  18. Enaggelion

    Enaggelion Forum Apprentice

    Quoting your goal for this year:
    Our goal this year is simple: to bring you a better, smoother, and more epic gaming experience.

    By better experience:

    1. You ran so many events in a few weeks
    2. You made Ancestral event impossible to complete where we need lots of draken or anders
    3. You made the Rocket event impossible to do unless you are OP and have an OP group to run with and don't need to farm fuel (harder run and not enough time to farm fuel).

    I had a smooth experience by skipping all your events and just do one because I do not have the time for it. Even those who buy the attires cannot finish them all in the time unless they don't sleep. Get one of your DSO team and try to do them all within the given time and you will see that it's impossible or you will turn into a zombie gamer.

    You need to stop being so greedy and just aim to attack OP players and forcibly make more money from players. Consider the wider community and be reasonable. You introduced so many new runes to give players more damage and yet you nurfed them by giving bosses and mobs more defense and attributes - which in the end put us back to step 1 - there's no benefit in playing at all.

    If this is your way of making the game better, players are encouraged to quit and skip events. You can keep all those rewards and long grindy bars to yourself.
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2025
    Alpaca and deni like this.
  19. salotr

    salotr Forum Connoisseur

    From my point of view, events are sometimes fun and also a great alternative, especially during the leveling phase.
    The only aspect that leaves me doubtful is that there are too many of them and all together.

    Was this choice made on purpose so that players chooses the event they prefer?
    Or are there other reasons?
    Alpaca likes this.
  20. -heresia-

    -heresia- Forum Apprentice

    I give the account to a developer and he will figure out when he plays if something is needed or something is missing, until then I'm words in the wind, Nobody believes only what he wants.