Land of Inmortals

Discussion in 'Quests' started by Lambrusco, Jan 6, 2025.

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  1. Lambrusco

    Lambrusco Board Analyst

    Hi, I've been doing the quests of this part of map. but a part of the greyling forest where there are a few quest about farming and killing etc... the other two maps are there for nothing more than cleaning it of enemies... and once you kill like 11 times the boss of Primal Spark... Is there nothing else? is that all? no more side quest or anything else to do like the lore of the game? really?

    Thanks DSO
  2. Talbor

    Talbor Regular

    I think that's it for now except for new event quest.
    salotr likes this.
  3. CiscoNetPlus

    CiscoNetPlus Old Hand

    No, there is nothing more to do. Just keep killing the Boss to get all the parts of the Set and upgrade it.
    salotr likes this.
  4. Lambrusco

    Lambrusco Board Analyst

    Yes, i see it's a waste of time...
    salotr likes this.
  5. Talbor

    Talbor Regular

    Pretty much unfortunately. It's too bad the devs are more concerned with prioritizing easier ways to monetize events (RoR for example) than working on adding more content.
    salotr likes this.
  6. salotr

    salotr Forum Connoisseur

    Prioritizing profit is never wrong............. but not to the detriment of the players.