Bug Leaderboard's issue with R185

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by EhtovK, Mar 7, 2017.

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  1. EhtovK

    EhtovK Old Hand

    So, I was waiting to see a hotfix for a lot of R185 issues, which was announced already, patchnotes included, and I was hoping it will also adress an issue that almost no one seems to be aware of or talking about.

    Some may have noticed, because it's unavoidable, but some players are being awarded points towards the PvE leaderboards despite being grouped, I don't know what's the trigger and I'm not interested in knowing, what I want to know is what is being done to adress this?

    You might say it's irrelevant, but if you go to the R185 Hotfix II patchnotes, you'll see the rewards just got a huge revamp, so this is more of a problem than I expected.

    This applies specially for low level twinks/gappers since they're obtaining huge chunks of time based points which they DON'T DESERVE, legit players who are pushing for the leaderboards won't be able to catch up to those ill obtained ones.

    As a matter of fact, twinks are yet again a big issue with this particular exploit, a level 25-30 twink killing 6+ level monsters with level 45-50 upgraded equipment makes for fast clearance that right now top level F2P players can't achieve.

    The question would be (again) what's being done to adress this?, are you gonna let it slide and let blockers get away with tons of gold from leaderboards?, I'm expecting an answer.
    MikeyMetro likes this.
  2. MikeyMetro

    MikeyMetro Forum Overlooker

    Right there with you. I only started my solo runs for my anders, gold and goggles yesterday but right away I noticed something was up. It is way obvious on Tegan since relatively few numbers of players here that do solo PWs for leaderboard rewards. (lolz, it can be a week into it before the 200 in every class fills up.) I will never be a the top :p but while I'm checking to see how many more points I need on a Q; I take a peek at how the other Teganites are doing. This list does not vary much here. This month it has.

    I had heard some chatter but really did not know what it was all about. This definitely needs investigating.

    Luck be with ye,
    EhtovK likes this.
  3. UndergroundKiller

    UndergroundKiller Forum Expert

    It happened to me too while I was in a team, farming exp at q1 rituals circle.
    So... I got killed and I used a 40 materi frags item for respawn. When I left the violet area at the beginning of map I saw it was starting counting time and at the end of the run I got some points... I tough it was just a visual bug:oops:
    EhtovK likes this.
  4. tassadar1977

    tassadar1977 Forum Expert

    the number of points gained on different difficulty is also not working correctly. I ran q6 m1 to the boss and killed on normal and got around 1k points, then did the same on fatal and got 860 points.
  5. Sunlight

    Sunlight User

    Hey there heroes,

    Thank you for pointing this error, that was already detected since late february and with Release 185 it was confirmed.
    Rest sure that EN Team sent this problem to DSO Team - they are aware of it. For now, we do not have any information related with this exploit...

    I wouldn't say that it is just a problem with low-level players, because it is not. It is a general problem, that can be used by every single player. So, if they are pushing, they should be punished.

    We would like to remember that, according to Terms and Conditions, pushing is not allowed and can be punished with permanent bans.

    Once again, thank you for your loyalty and rest sure that we are sending this almost everyday to the right department :)
    MikeyMetro likes this.
  6. eetussa

    eetussa Someday Author

    Does pushing mean that you are farming maps at low lvl with 6+ lvl people
  7. Sunlight

    Sunlight User

    Hey there @eetussa ,

    No, it does not. It was clearly explained when we changed our terms and conditions in november.

    Let me clarify:

    1.2.7 The prohibition on pushing applies to the Accounts of different Users. An Account cannot be used to dishonestly gain advantages through the Account of another User through the transfer of Game items or currency, or by deliberately losing a battle (“boosting”).

    But, in my last post, I was referring to every single player that (not only low-levels...):

    1.2.9 The use of programming bugs and/or errors to achieve personal gain is strictly prohibited. Any identified bugs or errors should be reported immediately via the Support contact form.

    So, it is clear that does not matter at all your level. I am not saying that players will be punished ;) I am saying that there is a risk of it.
  8. EhtovK

    EhtovK Old Hand

    Well, judging by the lack of an official statement from BP, even after being notified by the mods (thanks, by the way), makes this reek of an iteration of the first reply for the 5th anniversary exploit: "we decided to do nothing".

    In all honesty, I'd rather have the leaderboards reset/paused/taken down until the issue is fixed, but anyway, that's my personal POV...
    MikeyMetro likes this.
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