Level 100.. but what next?

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by FredR, Jun 29, 2024.

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  1. FredR

    FredR Forum Greenhorn

    I recently reached level 100 as a Ranger. I've completed the main quests up to killing Mortis and now I'm stuck in my progress. I can't farm Portals in the Parallel World, even Infernal difficulty is too much for me (at most, can farm maps on Painful or Excruciating difficulty). Due to the high level of bosses, it's hard to kill them even on normal difficulty. Since I recently reached level 100, I don't have strong gear, runes, gems, or other useful stuff. I don't have the time or desire to seek help or join groups with other players; I'm a purely casual solo player and play for 1-2 hours a day. How can I progress further under these circumstances? Do any experienced players or those who have recently gone through this have any ideas or recommendations on this matter?
    FAALHAAS likes this.

    FAALHAAS Forum Duke

    If you really want to stick to solo play, you mostly going to play in desert map. Thats what I did for the longest time and so did others who are more into solo play.
    To get some better gear by yourself, you could open the 5 and 25 lockpick chests in spikeyvalley on higher modes. (you can enter the map from temple and theres a chance a chests spawns pretty close to it, without any monsters that will most likely insta kill you)

    Just be aware that making progress as a solo/casual player is a very long and tedious task. Most power comes from gems/runes/jewels and it takes a very long time to upgrade them if you goin to play solo on lower modes.

    Also I kinda asume you don't know about transfer enchantment lines, so check this guide:

    Honestly don´t know what else to say. I think this game isnt really solo/casual friendly. As soon you hit lvl100 you really better of getting carried in q1, because you really too weak to do much yourself.
    FredR likes this.
  3. Talbor

    Talbor Regular

    I did pretty much what Faalhaas said to. I like the Great Desert anyway, so that helped me with the grind, but that's where I got the majority of my runes at & Wisdom. Once I was able to do Merciless I started doing PW Hagastove Grove & opening all the x5 lockpick chest, but if you have a good stash of lockpicks you could do some x25 lockpick chest to.

    Do all the New Moon (I think it's called) to get the Rune Enhancement reward to take your runes from purple to orange for free.

    The Werewolf event has a Gem enhancement reward, but that one is much harder to get, for me at least since I always forget to farm silver essence before it starts.

    Other events have special runes & rewards that can help.

    You can look for videos for different skill setups depending on your playstyle. The player who made the video Faalhaas posted has some of those iirc.

    Good luck!
    FredR likes this.
  4. FredR

    FredR Forum Greenhorn

    Thank you for your answers. I understand that first, I need to farm and strengthen my runes in the Great Desert, while simultaneously leveling up my Wisdom. The method of farming stronger items on Merciless didn't work for me. I tried various maps, but no chests (not even regular ones) appeared. It seems like the developers did something with this or maybe I need to defeat the boss on that map first or something else.

    FAALHAAS Forum Duke

    They did change this on most maps, but im 100% sure you can still get chests on spiky valley map.
    FredR likes this.
  6. Talbor

    Talbor Regular

    The chest that I opened was usually on the PW Hagastove & Stonekeep, but some of the chest don't appear right off for me. I'll have to go past them a bit on the map & then come back or walk close to it before it'll show up. I don't know if that's intentional, a bug or just a lag issue, but since it happens every time I'm assuming it's intentional. Hagastove has 2 nearish the start & Stonekeep has 3 nearish to the start of the map iirc, at least for Merciless/Bloodshed. The chest are in different spots in lower difficulties as well, but always in the same spots for each difficulty level. If you're still working on non-PW maps there should be chest in the maps that don't auto-repop like the Great Desert.

    I don't know what your average gear level is, but it can take A LOT of farming to find upgrades with the rng-factor. Like I have a 130 Predator that had near max base stats on 2 of the 3 when it dropped & I've dropped quite a few 140/145 versions that have been worse. It can be frustrating since it's a lot slower as a solo player, but just stick with it & you'll gradually improve. Also, keep an eye out for good enchantments as you farm to transfer later. The main ones I look for are Crit, Damage, Attack speed & HP and I use a separate page in my inventory to keep those items for later.
    FredR likes this.
  7. FredR

    FredR Forum Greenhorn

    I actually managed to find and open a couple of chests on Bloodshed difficulty in Spiky Valley. Now I can get some higher-level items. Next, I need to farm Great Desert to upgrade runes and Wisdom, complete achievements to upgrade stones and transfer enchantments. At least now I have a plan to stick to :D Thank you.
    FAALHAAS and Talbor like this.
  8. Talbor

    Talbor Regular

    That's great & you're welcome! :)