Suggestion Live server char's converting to Test server

Discussion in 'Creative Corner' started by callme0216, Aug 23, 2018.

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Do you agree with this?

  1. Yes

    5 vote(s)
  2. No

    3 vote(s)
  1. callme0216

    callme0216 Padavan

    Our live server characters should be converted to test server..
    The reason is simple:

    • More people would login to test server, cause a lot of player dont have the effort to make a new char, and play with it to get stronger.. There is no chance for the people who is not getting "added" items to be as powerfull in test server as in live server.. Therefor they cant test anything how their character get affected with the class changes, bossfight changes or any otther..
    • After every release they should convert our char statistics if they changed.. so we can give better feedbacks (of course if they want to.. now its just seems they literally care nothing about us.. if they would then "AfO" event would never came in this shape.. or the Birthday event / challanges..
    The converted live server names in test server should be something like:

    Callme0216_G - (G stand for=Grimmag)
    JimCarry_H - Heredur.. etc

    Every other games with client side could manage to make this happen..
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2018
  2. KingKrazy1

    KingKrazy1 Active Author

    I agree that a system like this should (ideally) be in place, but the devs don't listen to any of the feedback trakilaki gives when they do put stuff on the test server. They also don't listen to any of our feedback when they put stuff on the live servers either.
  3. silverseas

    silverseas Count Count

    While I have some doubts that this would ever happen, it would be really nice if it was implemented. There have been a number of big updates in the past where they asked for feedback. My usual response was something like "Um, update ok, I guess?" because I don't have a character similar enough to what I actually play to give concrete feedback.
  4. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Your live server's characters should stay on live servers.
    We don't need more beggars on Test Server.
    Test server has a limited capacity ... it can't support more than 100 (or so) active characters logged in at same time.
    It is a testing environment where features come and go and anything can be changed, reversed or rolled back. Items and characters can be destroyed at any time.
    If you want to test ... there it is the test server ... log in and test.
    If you were an active tester you would have known that resources and items are being given quite frequently ... but you should be active on TS.
    Your stats are not related to giving a good feedback.
    You can obtain good amount of info with an average testing character.
    And no ... the players would not test a crap if they were given resources. Any time resources are being given to players on TS ... I am going to the Jesters and see all of those "testers" gambling. That is the time when you see andermant jackpots rise to 1 billion.
    Ah ... wait, they are actually testing the odds right?

    No one will ever clone your live server's toon on TS. Yes it is possible ... my TS SW was cloned to other special Testing Server when I was testing the latest expansion ... but no one will clone your toon to TS because the live server is the place for playing. Test server is for testing.
    What do you think ... how did i create my TS SW?
    By playing and hard work.
    I was playing that SW for almost 2 years before I established myself as a valid contributor and tester.
    I was killing Destructor for straight 60 minutes with red essence (one run) just to finish the quest line.
    Later on ... my contribution got recognized and only after that happened I got millions of andermant and other resources by CM Haruki, CM Greg, CM Clayton and the main QA guys.
    Seriously ... testing mobs doesn't require OP gear and stats.
    So far i have spent ... without exaggeration ... more than 500M andermant. But only about 0.5%-1% were spent on my gear, the rest of them were spent on testing features and making contents.
    Only on crafting (testing and creating contents) i have spent over 100M andermant.
    But those features are specific and you have to use resources in order to avoid farming ... because time has important role in it.
    This article is a prime example. It was sponsored by CM Clayton.
    He was reading DSO Wiki just to get familiar with the game as fast as possible ... as he was new to the game. Then the expansion came on TS and then the new crafting. So I was about to make a guide anyway ... but he has read in Wiki I am about to make a guide so he told me he would like to help me doing it as fast as I can. We had a deal ... and the guide was ready before the feature hit the live servers.
    I can assure you I know all the secrets of crafting ... secrets not even the devs are aware of :D
    during this testing in the day one i have discovered a flaw in the crafting system and the devs are claiming it is "intentional feature".
    The point is ... this kind of features require enormous amount of resources especially if you are limited with time.
    Testing normal contents and monsters can be done with regular noob toon. In fact you can see my SW has crappier stats than the average live server toon ... it is because i don't pay attention to stats.
  5. KingKrazy1

    KingKrazy1 Active Author

    And I wish the current devs and cm would also notice how important you are to the game/community and actually listen to you.
    As for the suggested system, I don't think it would elevate anyone to your level of influence (the level of influence you should have). All it would do would allow for earlier feedback, which they would ignore of course, but I was giving support in the ideal sense.
  6. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    It's not a new idea...

    The only thing I'm not fond of is when they give every noob and their brother free resources in order to test a feature. Noobs abuse that to get free stuff instead of actually testing. For example...

    MademoiselleCaramel likes this.
  7. callme0216

    callme0216 Padavan

    Is everybody still thinks the same after these changes (213/214) that we shouldnt get our live char converted to test server to test things better?

    I cant even test anything with my lvl 1 char. And i wont even bother to level it up or play with it for no reason just to test things every release.. Free stuffs are literally useless if i dont have a proper char to test with.

    Edit: Also added poll to vote.
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2018
  8. Erebus

    Erebus User

    Yes, despite all the recent changes, what people like Trakilaki explained, not only on this post, but on numerous ones in the past, still stands, we've discussed the viability of this suggestion each time it pops-up in various forms, and most of the players agree to the general consensus of a "no", so don't set your expectations too high on this one, best regards.
  9. callme0216

    callme0216 Padavan

    Than i just sit back and trust other peoples feedback about the new changes.
  10. Demon

    Demon Forum Mogul

    Is simple. Why you always complicate things, so on other games this work well and here in dso can't work well because ...reasons
    So there should be yellow characters that can't be wiped from server like yours and other permanent testers like you and also bp admin devs testers and so on. That can be about 60_80 yelow accounts I guess that will be imune to wipe.
    Normal accounts that will be copy from live servers will be wiped on every new big release.
    Also they should make that test server bigger if they want feedback from players.
    This way we can test how our characters will perform in new release and clean that test servers from beggers.(you right i also saw them at jesters)
    They should give andermant and other stuff only to yellow name testers to mot encourage players to copy characters in order to get free stuff on TS
    Is that simple you just need to think out the box and find solution to make that work.
    If in other games work it will work here too but we have some imaginary problems to solve and we don't have solution is much easy to have a junk Ts with zillion characters on different stages that can't be used to test anything, just because we think that if they copy some characters and whipe servers they will ruin our work.
    And yes now Ts is full only because they give some adermant because they hope that they could boost a character to make some tests.
    Let me tell you something I have a lv 55 character on ts I have from last time unique and I have bought gems but I don't have craft on them and I can't test nothing that I could test with my real character from. Live server, also I don't like to waist my time on Ts for what? To play a week in order to grow some stats to test something that could be live befere i can have the stats to test?
    Another problem is that they are so many kids that has low characters on live servers and they make characters on ts because BP give them free stuff and maybe there they can be powerful and you know that they don't test anything. If they make that copy thing and don't give anything to the white names they won't copy that low character on ts because they don't have a reason to do that if they cant get anything for that, instead players with powerful characters and resources that want to know and test new content will do that.
    After that - wipe all white characters if they do that they will have 100 players on ts that will really test some features not kids like they have now.
    Reasons reasons no solutions just loked minds focused on personal stuff.
    And BP another lazy developer that put a collector bag after years but they always make the math how to earn money how to nerf players and other many bad changes how can they make something work. How can they make something that community ask when they can sit and develop this game in a direction that no one want?
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2018
    Thoradin and callme0216 like this.
  11. rosita1989

    rosita1989 Forum Greenhorn

    if there are more players on testserver than we need more Capacity on the test server
    i cant go on it now
  12. callme0216

    callme0216 Padavan

    And lets not forget that gamling is removed from the game so "beggers" cant test their chances anyway.

    The main point i dont understand is this:
    Than why should anyone make a char on test server and farm with when there is a risk?
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2018
    Thoradin likes this.
  13. Demon

    Demon Forum Mogul

    Yes there is the risk but you risk to be deleted a character where you don't invest so much money and time as on live servers, a character made with resource from BP.
    They will taste that sweet feeling that they can have so many things in game for free.
    If there is no jesters they will spend resources on costumes and mounts don't you have an example he dont buy runes he buy pets.
    They are people that not pay any thing in dso and on ts they can have stuff that will take too much farm to purchase them on live servers so easy money for lazy people.
    Think about one kid that has no money to buy stuff, he is struggling to grow his character but is too boring he try to exchange the account with a high level one but he fail because he end cheated and with no account, is so hard for him to start a new acoount. Another kid tell him about TS a rich place where you can have all that you need wthout spending any money. He will get boost for his too money and other free stuff like cores and many others, he will buy mounts, costumes and pets because he has no idea how and why to craft.
    This player take a place on a small TS that it will show you a message that is full and you can't login, this player don't test anything just beg for new resources from yellow names that he find on ts and on forums
    I think this should stop.
    And the last thing is that they have never clean the Ts as I know. I had an old account at lv 7 from 2014 until last year when they give us some boost elixire for xp. I have let him at lv 7 visited Ts only on special ocasion no one erase him.
    So think about a player that enjoy game like a player from live server that spend many days and money to equip a character or to buy cosmetics but that one from TS had them for free and don't test anything.
    In my opinion they should clean Ts after every big patch and let us copy one character from live servers for testing purpose of new release it will be much better for us.
    They should make immune from wipe only characters of devs admin and testers accounts that BP will choose to be testers for them, like traki lordodemonsk and it was an Arab tester I think, maybe there are more but those are the one I know.
    This way we can test our characters in new environment and with our resources, also we can copy an entire guild to farm or pvp toghether to simulate the real action. We can find bugs while we do that but the complete test, deep tests will be done by official testers, we will discover only those bugs that afect Daly routine and group related bugs in pvp and PvE and also we will see the impact of changes on our characters when the patch come live and give a real feedback.
    They need to do that for real players that struggle to have some good characters on live servers because they pay BP and they need to see what is happening with this game. They don't have time to grow a character on TS they don't need to beg for resources let them use resources they own on TS to test with friends. Don't keep TS full with leeches that don't test but keep the toon online to get more resources from B P.
    They need to make an announce that they wipe the TS. All players can request to be testers if they have report s bug at list 5 times in last year after that BP will establish if that player can have immunity is a real tester or not.
    Thank you and sorry for this long post.
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2018
    Thoradin likes this.