Looking for a Spanish/English clan

Discussion in 'PvE Players Wanted' started by King-Legolas, Nov 18, 2021.

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  1. King-Legolas

    King-Legolas Forum Greenhorn

    Hi, i came back to the game, im a little rusty, bus with experience. Archer lvl 41.
    Name: GoldShadow98
    Server: Heredur
  2. Lambrusco

    Lambrusco Board Analyst

    good luck in your search
  3. Enara

    Enara Forum Greenhorn

    Looking spanish clan. Name: Bardana __ Server: Grimmag
    Thank you
  4. ldso

    ldso Advanced

    Hello, welcome back :)

    The North American servers like Agathon and Tegan have many Spanish and English speakers, due to their geographical assignments, although they are much smaller than the biggest serves like Heredur, of course. Just something to keep in mind should you ever decide to visit those North American servers too ^^