Mac thin client

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Quality70, Dec 3, 2013.

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  1. Quality70

    Quality70 Forum Greenhorn

    Can someone give me answer...if i dont download this new version i cant play anymore???
  2. Biztart

    Biztart Exceptional Talent

    If you were able to play DSO before the latest patch, then, you don't need to worry about anything concerning the Mac release. Continue playing as usual.

    This information for Mac states that the game is now compatible with the Macintosh operating system (Apple computers).
  3. Figgy

    Figgy Forum Greenhorn

    Hi. I just wanted to say that the Mac version is stunningly beautiful. I gave it a quick run tonight and was amazed at the detail in the graphics. So pretty. I am used to playing it on my creaky old PC and it looks completely different on the Mac. The colours are so rich. One thing though, my blindingly sunshine yellow cloak is now more gossamer like and not at all yellow. Probably an improvement; at least for onlookers.
  4. FrostyRum

    FrostyRum Forum Greenhorn

    also want to say that the mac version is awesome!.
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