Bug Mage ?

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by G-Rico, Oct 3, 2023.

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  1. G-Rico

    G-Rico Junior Expert

    I noticed two days ago that when I use "teleportation" and "frost charge" the enemies move away from me like when we equipped the rune of rising vigor. Is this normal even though I don't use this rune?

    FAALHAAS Forum Duke

    Did you try taking a shower? o.o
    Selene-Rip likes this.
  3. StayinFrosty

    StayinFrosty Junior Expert

    For frost charge yeah it makes sense because you have a few invincibility frames where enemies wont target you, and they will most likely return to their respective spawn areas. Teleportation is a lot more subtle and shouldn't be as noticeable. Some enemies, like gremlins for example, also tend to run away from you at random intervals. We cant really do much more than speculate without more details. ;)
    -JustForFun- likes this.
  4. G-Rico

    G-Rico Junior Expert

    Thank you for your answer. I sent a ticket to support for an explanation anyway.

    FAALHAAS Forum Duke

    Its prolly something very simple like: Where you click to teleport it gives a new point of where you char is, but animation is slower, thus AI gets confused. (if you can even call it AI)