Suggestion Making DSO easier: skills and bars

Discussion in 'Creative Corner' started by salotr, Dec 25, 2024.

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  1. salotr

    salotr Forum Pro

    I think that to make the game less complex and more fun to play, you could remove some skills from each class and redo the bar so that it contains a maximum of 5 skills on the left and 3 on the right.

    A single bar with all the skills so that it is easier to keep an eye on them without changing between the first, second and/or third bar.

    I know that choosing between which skills to keep and which to remove is a complex task, but if you could implement it it would not be bad.

    After all, people want to have fun in a simple way, without having to manage too many things, games should be like that.

    A change like this could be more than positive for Drakensang Online.
  2. dkarl

    dkarl Forum Duke

    They tried to dumb the game down like this at the big level 100 update / expansion, initially giving us only 3 skill slots (if memory serves), down from the original 7, but it was a disaster. The player base rebelled and the devs settled on the current 5 slots (with multiple [purchasable] switchable skill bars). This isn't a console-ready game.
    salotr likes this.
  3. salotr

    salotr Forum Pro

    The players are different, there are those who prefer a simple game and those who prefer it more complex. Given this premise, it was therefore foreseeable what the outcome would be.
    Nothing to blame in the decisions made by the devs.

    Despite everything I like this game, I will continue to play it but having fun in my own way, without looking for perfection in everything and with extreme calm.
    And all this using a maximum of 3 or 4 skills.
  4. Marsicanus

    Marsicanus Forum Veteran

    Making DSO easier or less complex?
    The beauty of this type of game is studying new builds.
    If it is too complex the web is full of builds to copy.
    But copying does not mean finding the solution because if you do not know the skills and do not use them correctly the character will continue to have problems.
    I often read of players who write "I have 400k damage and I can not make an infernal map".
    OK damage is certainly important but there are other stats to focus on and in this game there are very few so it should not be difficult to understand which ones they are.

    The problem however is that in 99% of cases, I obviously cannot know if it is your case, players blame the fact of not knowing how to play on the difficulty.
    Currently there is nothing difficult in this game.

    However, excuse me, from the way you write it seems that you use ALL the skills ("without changing between the first, second and/or third bar").
    Something like that is simply absurd because a build is generally based on 2-3 main skills and other side skills.
    There are skills that use lightning, others poison, fire, etc.
    Writing there are too many skills makes no sense.....write which ones you think should be eliminated.
    sony and salotr like this.
  5. salotr

    salotr Forum Pro

    Less complex already means that it's easier, less to manage, less to deal with, but I understand that this is something that changes based on a player's point of view. I also understand that the complexity also lies in making your own build after learning to use the chosen class and all the skills it has.

    Even if I talked about an easier game, I still think that the chosen class must be learned by yourself without resorting to the copy/paste solution from the build shown in the forum or in the videos. Doing so deprives you of a part of the fun because the fun is right there.

    I mean that fun that becomes satisfaction or vice versa when you have understood something and you know how to use it to overcome those difficulties that before you thought you would never be able to overcome.
    And all this could be achieved even if DSO had been like this, with a single bar containing 5-7 skills.

    These are not criticisms, it's just a point of view, each of us has his own and every opinion is neither right nor wrong, they are opinions and that's it.
    I'm fine with DSO even as it is and I'm learning to overcome various difficulties a little at a time even using a single bar.
  6. Marsicanus

    Marsicanus Forum Veteran

    having more bars available does NOT mean you have to fill them with useless skills.
    Bars are used at 90% to set skills for a specific build.
    For example bar 1 is used for an ice build, bar 2 for a lightning build, etc.
    Only in some occasions is it necessary to use 2 bars and it can be for example when you need defensive skills, like from Mortis, or skills that are only used 1 time per map like the ranger's wolves.
    There are few additional skills needed and for this reason many complained when the bar went from 7 to 5 skills.... they had to start using 2 bars when there was no need for such a restriction. This made the game "more difficult" because in addition to using the sills now you also have to manage the bar change.
    In PvP I think it is almost always necessary to use more than one bar.

    Surely these are points of view but often one has a point of view influenced by the fact of not knowing all the aspects of the game well.
    Eg. many complain about the "difficulty" of the game but I assure you that the current difficulty is less than half of what it was when the level cap was 40-45.
    Today knowing how to move and with a little help in 4-5 months you can make an almost complete character. I say "almost" because some objects can only be found during some events that can be played only 1 time a year (see the jewel in the rocket men event or the Christmas one, the anniversary weapon, etc).

    Then examples of absolutely partial judgment can be:
    - finished character: the game is too simple and is just boring
    - new character: the game is too difficult and it takes too long to get to level 100
    - character just arrived at lv100: the game is too difficult and I can't even kill a boss on normal difficulty
    In short, one should choose a game based on their needs/availability.
    If you can play for 1 hour every now and then, these types of games should be avoided, otherwise you will find yourself without a competitive character even after 10 years of playing.
    sony and salotr like this.
  7. salotr

    salotr Forum Pro

    It would be a good change to make the bars viewable(2 or 3 bars), so you know a skill when it's ready instead of changing from one bar to another.

    I don't know, maybe you're right, but these points of view could also be shared by level 100 players who have completed every scenario and or event on any difficulty. Those who complain do so(maybe, I dont know) because they do not want to commit themselves to obtaining something and therefore use the excuse of difficulty.
    What I mean, however, is not so much the difficulty, but more than easy, let's say a simplification, while maintaining the difficulties of the game so that there are no heavy upheavals on the game mechanics.

    I think that these examples represent exactly that player who has no patience, who wants to get everything immediately and without committing, forgetting that the game "should be played" for fun, when you can, if you have time, if you like it and without getting caught up in the frenzy of wanting everything and in a short time.