Suggestion maybe there should be some new stuff in game?

Discussion in 'Creative Corner' started by sharckiller, May 26, 2022.

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  1. sharckiller

    sharckiller Forum Greenhorn

    i have a lot of great ideas that are easy to realize and could help a lot to make the
    players enjoy the game again, starting with making a monthly and yearly reward , just like the daily but instead of it stopping at 5 days , one that resets every 30 days and another that resets every 360 days.. a new dungeon that you can win 1k-10k andermants depending on what difficulty you play it and how fast you've done it, and it's only playable once a day so people doesn't just spam it all day.. a infinite dungeon where mobs keep spawning all the time with a leaderboard about who stays longer in there or how many mobs they killed in there , weekly quests that have some good rewards.. i do have a lot more ideas that could the game a lot more fun to play .. will see if i should write them or not depending on the answers on the ideas i wrote in this thread
  2. oOKellueHazeOo

    oOKellueHazeOo Regular

    good ideas, the game just needs harder content and more build variety ... Currently classes just armor break and spam 1 ability xd, hopefully one day the armor break gets removed from bosses and boss rewards increase to match the difficulty, maybe the hardest bosses have a small chance to drop the highest gem rarity and such
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