Moar buffs pls

Discussion in 'Creative Corner' started by silverseas, Dec 29, 2018.

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  1. silverseas

    silverseas Count Count

    We have new pots/buffs for most stats now, but how about a few more like increased HP regen and increased mana regen? :3
  2. -HARRA81-

    -HARRA81- Forum Mogul

    There are already potions for that.

  3. silverseas

    silverseas Count Count

    I can't open your image. And if you're referring to the reformative potions, I was more so thinking about having Physics that last 2 hours so I don't have to pop something every 10 seconds.
    Akageshi likes this.
  4. ΣMiwel

    ΣMiwel Forum Ambassador

    If they made increased HP regen... that would be total crap.
    Just like the HP regen runes. I am using them only because I have nothing better to use in two of my helmet slots.

    Increased mana regen on the other hand doesn't seem useful either, a mana tonic and damage physic seem to be the best combination for mage for farming PWs. I'm personally using hp tonic + travel speed physic for Kranparus. No space for a mana regen buff anyways (except if it was regenerating like 10 additional mana per second... but that would be too good for BP).

    Edit: If we're at it, why not to add a cooldown reduction buff, a "your attacks deal additional X% of your base damage as Y element damage", etc.?
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2018
  5. heror

    heror Forum Baron

    Ye ok mana and dmg , but have you tried mana and atack speed , depends on your character but im almost at 50k dmg and 390% crit dmg so with the atack speed buff im at 2,850 speed mobs dont even see when they dife , the spheres just keep coming and with sigri torso the mana is just endless.

    Cd buff would be too strong i have an archer whose net is on and 8 sec cd and he has only 16,5% cd from runes / from 30% max ye guess with that buff what would happen , perma q7 also lets not mention the almighty perma q7 dwarfs who already have it permanent.
    Or if its not something too big i guess its fine
  6. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    You mean the ones that are based on your total HP instead of being absolute flat values of regen? I use two 0.08% per second runes for a total of 0.16%. That may sound small, but for a DK, that is not insignificant, namely about 200 HP in my case. That is a far improvement over the old Powerful Onyx Skulls that only did an absolute 20 HP per second each for a total of 40 HP from two slots.
  7. All I want is slow-movement immunity buffs so I don't have to deal with garbage mini events like Kranparus.. and trees with attacks that can only be avoided by keeping your distance.
  8. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Any sort of long lasting immunity buff would be more than a little OP.

    That said, I'd be ok with a potion that acts like the debuff skills that all classes have. It could clear stun, poison, slow, burn, charge, etc. And just like there are combo potions that mix instant regen with regen over time, they could make a second version that mixes in some HP recovery and then you'd have a really useful tool while still maintaining some semblance of balance.
    Akageshi likes this.
  9. The potion would be useless in Kranparus mini event and vs trees though, unless it has no cool down and you have an abundance of them at your disposal.

    I don't see how it would be op? With events like Kranparus, you have to go through the same map multiple times and it gets frustrating.. and the slows just compliments that."Balance" is quite a vague term to use for PvE don't you think? With all these new physics and tonics, players can go through infernal 4 like a walk in the park anyways.

    Or they could let resistance have a chance to block movement impairments based on how high the player's resistance is.. excluding pvp.
  10. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    this is a pipe dream

    BP is into making the game frustrating to the players, it's their fetish really

    I mean, why do they make this turrets so annoying?
    Please_enter_a_name likes this.
  11. ghostmagicus

    ghostmagicus Forum Pro

    I played all event minis coins on inf1 and turrets wasnt annoying at all, fast run, max 5 -6min per run. In the same time a dk with similar stats did the same but on inf4, that is BP balance.
  12. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    A DK (the only "Tank class") gets 8 seconds of immunity every 60 seconds and a SM gets 12 seconds (maybe more) out of every 120 seconds (at the expense of only having two attacks), and you don't see how extended periods of immunity that is not tied to a skill would be OP? Also, it would completely nullify an entire game mechanic.

    If it were for any length of time perhaps the best place to put it would be as one of the elixirs so that it works for 20 seconds, but has a cool down of 120.
  13. What's the point of this mechanic though? It only achieves frustration.. a little sad especially when it's during Christmas. You'd think they'd make a nice relaxing event for the holidays so people can enjoy the game. But no, instead it was just a ridiculous grind fest(as usual) using every possible method to finish it as quick as possible.

    They don't even bother changing the event a tiny bit which I find ridiculous considering the event comes once a year. But since r214 was just released I guess we can say they had no time to do it so perhaps next year..

    I'd be happy with elixirs that provide a short immunity with a cool down though. Either that or you get a 5 second immunity buff everytime you're slowed.
    Akageshi likes this.
  14. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    I dodge the shooting heads for the most part, and I have enough run speed when I'm grinding the event that I'm still faster than the average player, even when slowed.

    What I'd really rather see is a way to shut off the shooting heads, like we have in Q8. Then, those that need to can shut off the heads, and those that don't can just run the gauntlet.

    I brought this up last year and Kingpin003 tried calling me a noob and saying that they are too easy as is. I wasn't thinking so much for myself as for other players, but it seems he wanted to show everyone how tough he was.
    So, on that note, instead of making an OP buff, how about they address the mechanic the same way they did elsewhere.
  15. I do too but during Kranparus mini challenges, I would watch youtube on the side just to fight through the boredom of this event sometimes. And I would get hit here and there, which just slows the whole grind for no reason lol.

    That would be lovely too. I have a feeling the mini event shooting heads were actually meant to work like those in Q8, since there are guardians in the mini event map too. But I bet they messed that up, especially in the last challenge(3/3), where multiple guardians would appear in the most random spot like the entrance.. lol.

    Also, I feel like i'm getting this out of the OP's topic, so I apologize and I will stop here.

    Thanks for the civil debate, Baragain. :)
  16. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    it's annoying because they are there to slow you, they aren't a challenge and you can't do anything to them
    Please_enter_a_name likes this.
  17. ghostmagicus

    ghostmagicus Forum Pro

    You can avoid them, or if hits u u can do some magic to remove slow effect. I usually run 2 safe places on kransparus map on inf1, only thing annoying for me was that towers hits too hard on inf4.