My Suggestions #1

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Dekisa, Jun 28, 2017.

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  1. Dekisa

    Dekisa Forum Apprentice

    Hi! Here i ll suggest you few things i would add in game so maybe you do add it if its ok . In last few days i add many players to my friend list ( most of them i dont know from real life but there are about 10 i do ) and i would like to you guys add some kind of lists so i can drag name of person lets say Yosif2001 to list called ''Close Friends'' ( for example ) or Only1bombarder to list called ''Family'' cause i have long list of friends and when i want to write something to someone i have to search for few mins to find him . So that lists would help me a lot and i hope to other players to. Maybe someone will tell i have long friend list even if i dont know most of guys there . Well that is true but they have helped me even if its playing quests or pvp or events so i want to remember them so we can continue playing together. So i hope you guys will add this into game ! Oh yes and in collector bag can you add costumes i get from pvp ? It doesnt need to contain any rewards if i have idk 2 out of 5 just to i can store them there cause i dont have much space in inv or bank.
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