**Nebula Assertion** Undefined bounding box

Discussion in 'Technical Support' started by -snakemansos-, Dec 12, 2024.

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  1. -snakemansos-

    -snakemansos- Forum Greenhorn

    A friend of mine have this error inside of Hagastove Grotto and result a crash.
    This happen near of "Font of all evil" POI.

    There is a way to resolve this issue?

    (Deleting temp files and reinstall the game not work)

    Avekai likes this.
  2. Avekai

    Avekai Forum Greenhorn

    Same issue here, happened to that exact area and also in the crypts, with updateboundingbox being the problem[​IMG]
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2024
  3. -snakemansos-

    -snakemansos- Forum Greenhorn

    New Report:
    I've tried to replicate the bug making a character from lvl 0 and start all missions, and I have this error too, it happens during the Malyssa witch quest (Yellow). So... new players can't play this game at all. I have encounter another NEBULA ASSERTION in Crypt of Kings (Another Quest)
  4. salotr

    salotr Forum Pro

    It seems that the cause does not depend on the player's computer but on the game files.
    Uninstalling the game or deleting all the contents of the DSOcache folder does not seem to solve the problem because it seems to be an error caused by one or more corrupt files.

    If this is really the case, I hope that the developers will solve it soon. Also because lately several players are experiencing these error messagges.

    I understand that devs are trying to make money, there is nothing wrong with that.
    But if the game starts to become more and more unplayable, the players and the chances of earning will decrease more and more. And in the end closing the game and the server.

    I had finally found a game that I really liked and if it were to end up like this it would be a real shame.