need Advice and Ideas about ranger items, enchantments, gems etc.

Discussion in 'Questions about Getting Started in the Game' started by annoyingburak, Mar 12, 2022.

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  1. annoyingburak

    annoyingburak Forum Apprentice

    Hey everyone, i took a break after dark legacy update, but i started again and hit 100lvl with my ranger just new. and i have no clue about which item sets should i use, and which enchantments i should transfer to the items. there are videos on youtube but they are all from 2021 so i thought i should also ask for help on the forum. anybody can help me with starting my char?
  2. mcflavio2

    mcflavio2 Forum Greenhorn

    It's crazy how many views this thread has and no comments yet. I'm starting to think this community is completely numb. I wish I'm wrong.
  3. CiscoNetPlus

    CiscoNetPlus Old Hand

    Not all people speak English.
    Here you have a very good video in Spanish (use the automatic translator for English subtitles).
