Discussion in 'Speakers‘ Corner' started by Στε44, May 1, 2018.

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  1. Veteran666

    Veteran666 Advanced

    Christmas bonus codes DAY25MAP,DAY25COINS,DAY25CHALLENGEDAY25PASS.

    Merry Christmas health and peace for everyone.:)
  2. Lambrusco

    Lambrusco Board Analyst

    Thans for codes @Veteran666 but try tu put coma between challenge and day25 cos it's a bit confusing
    Wenusjanka and Chandler333 like this.
  3. aretias

    aretias Forum Apprentice

    Bonus Code 1: DAY25MAP

    Bonus Code 2: DAY25COINS

    Bonus Code 3: DAY25CHALLENGE

    Bonus Code 4: DAY25PASS
  4. Lambrusco

    Lambrusco Board Analyst

    thanks @aretias for your understanding
    Chandler333 and aretias like this.
  5. salotr

    salotr Forum Connoisseur

    No code was released yesterday.
    Chandler333 likes this.
  6. G-Rico

    G-Rico Junior Expert

    It's normal, the codes were given until the 25th. After Christmas, there are no more daily codes like every Christmas
    Chandler333 and salotr like this.
  7. salotr

    salotr Forum Connoisseur

    Ok, thanks!
    Chandler333 likes this.
  8. Lambrusco

    Lambrusco Board Analyst

    It's a shame there's no more codes but advent calendar works this way... sure there will be more code in a future to thank for @salotr
    Chandler333 and salotr like this.
  9. salotr

    salotr Forum Connoisseur

    No need to thank me, but I thank you for thanking me. :D:D:D

    Damn, no more codes, then christmas is really over!
    Chandler333 and Lambrusco like this.
  10. Lambrusco

    Lambrusco Board Analyst

    That's true, we are gonna yearn for them and thanks to others guys for filling this thread with code too
    Chandler333 and salotr like this.
  11. terq1

    terq1 Junior Expert

    I wish you a happy birthday. Thank you. :)
    Chandler333, Lambrusco and salotr like this.
  12. Lambrusco

    Lambrusco Board Analyst

    Same when it be ;)
    Chandler333 likes this.
  13. salotr

    salotr Forum Connoisseur

    I feel it differently.
    To me, the real "birthday" is the moment you born.

    From then on, it's just a count of the years that slowly(or quickly) pass.
    Saying "happy birthday" means remembering that you get older, year after year.

    You may laugh, but since you can do nothing against this unfortunate fate that binds us all, why continue to remember it?
    Chandler333 likes this.
  14. Lambrusco

    Lambrusco Board Analyst

    Thanks for those codes that nobody seems to talk about them...

    Last edited: Jan 14, 2025
  15. bibere

    bibere Someday Author

    Chinese New Year - Start the event with bonus code: NIANBEAST
    MandragonLii, Alpaca and Lambrusco like this.
  16. Lambrusco

    Lambrusco Board Analyst

  17. bibere

    bibere Someday Author


  18. Lambrusco

    Lambrusco Board Analyst

    thanks @bibere for those codes...
  19. Lambrusco

    Lambrusco Board Analyst

    Just for those who still don't know some codes more still exist up to 27/01/2025

    bibere, salotr and MandragonLii like this.
  20. salotr

    salotr Forum Connoisseur

    Imagine a code with 1.000.000 anders! :D